Gan, niche nya apa? minimal karakter berapa? Ane penulis juga soalnya. Barangkali cocok. Ditunggu responnya, terima kasih :) ikutan nunggu jawaban ini :)
hold on a sec. You both study and work? Cool! It's quite energy-draining, isnt it? Hi Disty! Haven't had the times to know you better :ngakaks *it'snotlikeyou'reallthinkingguys* :capedes -- Must be hectic to have studied and worked at the same time :matabelo: Well, yeah. But we shall enjoy l
Hiya there disty! Where have you been? Youve been missing for ages. How's life? Hola, pathfinder87! How do you do? Well, I'm kinda busy with my school, and now my job. Happy to be back again. :kisss
buseng, itu yg hotel hosho ryoken tua banget hormat banget deh sama para henokiens bedewei, jadi kepo, keuntungan buat gabung henokiens apa ya? :matabelo
Wah, tampaknya berkebun itu menyenangkan. Tapi bener sih, harus sabar Ane pernah berkebun Pas sering lembur, kebun pun terlantar dan kering :hammers
Hi everyone It's been a long time since my last post in this forum So, here I am Back to kaskus and english forum :D Edit: say hi to old acquaintance in this page HI pathfinder87 and Fadel999 :D :malus
pendirian PT pendirian CV good luck :thumbup
ga mudah. bukan berarti gabisa. tapi memang jalan yg harus dilalui lebih menguras tenaga, keringat dan air mata dari pada karyawan *maaf no offence kalau gaji perbulan tetap, maksudnya sudah pasti di gaji apalagi bagi para fresh graduate, alokasi keuangan masih sedikit postnya. ditabung, hidup sela
trit agan sukses bikin ane ngakak2 inget jaman2 bandel sama temen2 dulu ane pernah salah masuk kelas sama ga boleh masuk pas telat :mewek