Hello guys Glad to be back here again It's been months since my last post here. And it really affected my english capability, i guess :malus So...how are you guys? How are you, L and Malt? I saw that this thread is becoming a chatting thread, huh? :D
malam semuaaa... hari ini jakarta ujan gede grogol tergenang, sepatu celana pun basah siapa lagi yang kena genangan, cung! :ngakak
Kapalan :takut: serem baget.. nauzubillahminzalik jangan sampai kapalan ane. Ngemeng2 itu kapalan persero atau swasta hahahah KAPALAN PELNI :D haha... bisa aja gan joke-nya :ngakak niceee sharee cerdaaaas:shakehand:shakehand thanks... bagus banget infonya :D thanks!
topx666, Fadel999, ikc.id, nonanoir, hnct, Astraios : i'll update the thread as soon as i'm online on my pc. :shakehand2
@kucingsial: nice tips. tried it since yesterday and i think i started to see things quite well organized. hehe. thanksss! :malus:
whoa, the convo in this thread flows so fast. meanwhile i'm still stuck in my uni assignments. i guess i'm bad in managing time :hammers any idea how to manage it? :ngakaks
good afternoon, lounge :cool glad to be back here again. i got too many assignments to do for the last 2 weeks. :ngakaks so, how are you guys? :malus
yes, i will. my teacher said if i'm not active (passive) :D i ever talked with native, but my mouth had lock :ngakaks maybe i'm nervous and he is too fluent :hammer: goodbye all, i have my breakfast yet. i'm hungry :hammer: don't be nervous then. and do not afraid to make mistakes :p are you a
Emang Bisa Sista Di sunat Yah...? ada2 aja Nih :ngakak:ngakak haha, agan bayangin sunat yang mane nih? sunat post gan maksudnya sist devi :ngakak wiken yah ... :bingung paling nonton dipidi sedih amat gan, hehe :Peace: ada yang pernah nyobain fasilitas bis wisata keliling jakarta belum? kata
never been there, and have no intention to go there yet :capedes is it really worth to go there? just curious maybe i can send my sister to study there since i want her to be able to speak and write english well for her future
jangan wanliner sis, ntar kena sunat loh :p yuppp,, bener siss,, sepakat dan sepakat ... :army oh begitu yes oke deh ga bakal one liner lagi ane sist devi makasih lho udah diingetin anw, wiken mau pada kemana nih?
Haha.. You read my thoughts so well :p My specialization is Administrative Law, and I choose Local Government's Dispute as my topic. But, since my type of final essay is case study, I have to go to District Court first to do research on some valid Cases :hammer: My English is far from perfect, th
hehehe,,,, dikit aja deh sis :p:p yuppp betul bgt tuh,,, slalu nurut apa kata emak :army:army:army sepaket eh sepakat :army:army:army
wah ada tritnya tho :matabelo ane baru nonton sampe ep.22 sisanya belum donlot koneksi modem ane hina dina banget, jadi mungkin akan coba donlot yang pahe2 di pejwan. :ngakaks
tergantung ... lagi gangguan sinyal ato enggak. kalo enggak ya selamet ngarep dah :ngakak tadi ane mau nerusin gitu sih gan cuma ga tega ajahhh... _______:ngacir: hehehe,,kaga juga sih sis,, cuma tuh klo gk salah, kondisi dirmh cuma lg berdua doang,, ane n mamah ane :malus:malus cuma ya jd unm