hehehehe.. iya betull sis,,, :think::think: jd inget pas kecil , kelas 5 sd lah kira2 ,,, lg santai nonton tv,, eh ujan tiba2,, mamah triak2 deh ,, "devii bantuin angkat jemuran" :rolleyes:rolleyes haha, nasip anak ye sist jadi korban disuruh2 :p maunya demen cuma ude punya cwo ... l
Thank you :D i don't know .. still looking :ngakaks hope you find a good one then :ngakaks *I work in Surabaya *My English is really bad I would like to insult instead :ngakak gee...don't do that a lot it's no good :p test:matabelo junk :mads uji coba:repost and another junk :mads Th
siang sist disty :salaman jadi inget punya temen di jogja namanya disty :sorry siang gan can :D:salaman waduuuu....temen ape demen tuh gan? hehe :Peace: Siang gan :beer: Siang gan :beer: siang menjelang sore sis,, salken :shakehand maap baru di quote :malu: wahhh ujannya ngajak ribut tuh
karena keribetan untuk administrasi ini itulah yang akhirnya "memaksa" orang untuk pake jasa calo :capedes yang ane penasaran, jasa calo begini2an itu dapet duitnya halal ga yah? kan orang "terpaksa" pake jasa itu berlaku juga untuk oknum2 petugas yang suka "main2" kay
makan sebulan sekali :matabelo trus ga punya indera pendengaran, meski punya lubang telinga trus guna lubang telinganya buat apa ya? aksesoris? :bingungs
aduh maaf gan, ane ga pake xp yang termuktakhir dong windowsnya :ngakaks etapi ane ga pake bajakan sih :cool
selamat siang jelang sore gan sis :D perkenalkan semua, disini disty5 ngomong2 ujan, di kawasan soetta ujan bentar, sekarang sih udah reda mungkin ujannya ngeledekin :Peace:
Last thing I remember is me having a breakfast :ngakak gee...maybe you got amnesia go get a doctor to consult :ngakaks Hi guys may I join this thread ? sorry I forgot to introduce myself .. My name is Ferly. I'm from Ponorogo but now i'm work in Surabaya My english really bad :berdukas so I ho
It's okay anyway to laugh, your right :ngakak why you got injury ? you played football, dis ? :matabelo: I want to have massage too :malu: :ngakaks No, i don't play football. I just fell while walking yesterday. Dunno why too. :p You can have massage too. All you need to do is call the massa
lol, He's my senior :matabelo: you're laughing in the middle of someone's else pain, such r00d :( :( :ngakak brb, preparing for jum'at :malus Hey... hey... don't get me wrong. I wasn't scolding Fadel. Peace, Del :Peace: Your time, your preference. Alright, alright. I'm sorry to you two
From your ava Might be you are girl Am I right? :cystg Don't judge people's gender by the ava, wakaka. You may believe what you want to believe tho. :p I was here, nice for the tread, :) I don't get what you want to express by saying "I was here" :bingungs Is it the same with what j
Whuahahaha, okay then :ngakaks Give up later when you get lost :p and you may check Lounge :D Ah, I'm sorry En sometimes my quota run out :) So I always come here then :) but still I keep inviting them and you may see the condition of our LINE group now :D Hahaha. I'll try not to get los
Hi Guys...! Long time no see... :D:hi: So, how are you today? Ah, sorry I almost forgot. May I introduce myself first. Because I'm away from here for long time, I guess it kinda hard to remember me :hammers My name is Arif, but you can call me Ais, yeah that's my childhood name 'til now. I'm from
Good morning everyone :kiss Just realized there's an English Forum in Kaskus, as i rarely go around here :ngakak Well, have a nice day guys :D Have a nice day :) Good Morning :D anyone here know magazines / newspapers (online) or automotive news bilingual (Indonesian and English) ? Sorry, nope :
never mind ,the thread before is to much pages you can just skip to the latest page anyway moreover, many experts of grammar there that will give you better answer and less typo, no offense ;)
Don't worry, you'll pass the national exam somehow. There'll be leaked exam questions at the time of the exam days. Edit: Anw, what is this statement for? I myself refuse any kind of cheating during exam. The statement above would stifle the desire of students to learn and try to succeed on the...