klo HT ane update gan ..hwhehe :) Ht beneran gan :D Anywayyyy....denger2 proses melahirkan Ashanty juga bakal diliput tv live? Oh my God, bener2 ga mutu tv Indonesia sekarang ya. Untung ane nonton tv berita doang ;p
Selfie gapapa gan kalo buat konsumsi pribadi. Setidaknya buat boost rasa pede ya. Tapi suka males liat selfie yang diaplot ke socmed, jadi ga pernah aplot selfie sendiri ke socmed.
Mengingatkan ane pada bukunya Federico Pistono yang judulnya Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That's Ok, How to Survive the Economic Collapse and be Happy. Recommended utk dibaca gan, cari aja di playstore.
Since I want to fully enjoy the movie, I always turn on the sub. But in the process of watching, I usually ignore the sub and focuss in watching the scenes, except that I could not catch what the character said, I'll pause the movie and read the sub, especially if it is slang words which is still...
Hey L. I got to know a girl few days ago, and she mentioned to call her L. Somehow it feels strange up till now since the initial L has been attached to your figure only, although I haven't know you in person (in RL). Such a silly me. Haha. Just sharing anyway. Kinda need one thing or two to laug...
Thanks gan .. amin Agan menghindari pertanyaan di page 3 deh. Gpp sik, namanya juga suka-suka panitia. ;))
jelly good. how is every thing? One thing or two are quite demanding my attention but I try to manage tho. How about you?
Ini namanya kuis suka-suka.... Jadi hukum alam begini ceritanya. :bingungs :bingungs Jadinya terkesan ga profesional ya. Sayang....
That's good for you. Save the money for something that is worth it. Trueeeee... :kiss hello fellas :kiss long time no see Hello. How are you?
Isn't games in Indonesia cheap? Well... last time I bought the CDs, they cost 5000-10,000 each. Wow... that must have been a very long time ago. Yeah... I myself am stingy. I don't like buying stuffs. Even the phone I'm using I got it for free. Doesn't matter whether you're rich or not, being th
Yeah, that's the one. I sent another piece to someone else so I wasn't sure which one I sent to who. Haha. Haha. I've guessed it. :p
Dari 59 disaring di tempel di pejwan jadi 14, itu maksudnya apa? siapa yang menyaring and dasar urutannya 1-14 apa gan? Kenapa ga di tempel di pejwan semua aja 59 post itu? :capedes 59 Post udah dipost di pejwan kemaren gan pas ane masih komen di pejwan. Baru buka kaskus lagi juga, tau2 udah ting
Dear agan-agan.. biar gak ribet, ane seleksi jadi 15 ya gan :ngakak Wah dukungan ane ga masuk 14 yg lolos :( Seleksinya gmn gan? Kepo.