bos magesy.. boleh request software compressor ga? trus sama waves vocal thanks loh.. ntar klo udah iso dicendol deh.. hehe
numpang tanya nih para sesepuh.. cara setting suara biar kyk studio recording gmn yah? masalahnya gw ada interface, kalo ngerecord suara tuh terlalu jelas banget, sampe suara tetangga juga kedengeran.. trus kalo di blend sama vst ga cocok.. ato pas gw bandingin sama lagu2 artis suaranya ga nge bl...
anyone, i received a C for this essay.. would you guys mind to look at it and help me out with the mistakes? sorry if it's too long :) thanks a lot\n\n Election: Young People in Action\n\n “There’s no point in trying”, that may seem to be an overused templat...