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Mengenal Apa Itu Jurusan Teknik Sipil ..?
Apa itu Jurusan Teknik Sipil?
Dan Alat Apa Saja Yang Di Gunakan Dalam Ilmu Teknik sipil
Temukan Jawaban nya Disini

Agar mengenal lebih dekat, Teknik Sipil adalah suatu disiplin ilmu teknik yang berhubungan dengan desain, konstruksi dan pemeliharaan lingkungan yang dibangun secara fisik maupun alami.
Termasuk di dalamnya adalah pekerjaan umum seperti jalan raya, jembatan, dermaga, terowongan, kanal, waduk / bendungan, bandar udara, terminal, stasiun, sistem pembuangan, perpipaan, struktur bangunan maupun jalan kereta api.
Teknik Sipil terbagi ke dalam beberapa sub disiplin ilmu seperti teknik pantai, teknik konstruksi, teknik gempa (earthquake engineering), teknik lingkungan, teknik forensik, teknik geoteknik, teknik material, teknik struktur, survei, teknik transportasi, teknik perkotaan, teknik sumberdaya air, dan sistem teknik sipil.

Teknik Sipil dianggap sebagai ilmu teknik yang tertua kedua setelah teknik militer. Nama Teknik Sipil sendiri memang dimaksudkan untuk membedakannya dari teknik militer. Teknik Sipil hadir mulai dari level pemerintahan kota hingga pemerintahan nasional. Dan di sektor swasta mulai dari pemilik rumah individual hingga perusahaan internasional.

1. Mata Kuliah Yang Dipelajari Di Jurusan Teknik Sipil
Mengacu kepada kurikulum Prodi Teknik Sipil Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Tangerang Selatan berikut ini adalah sejumlah mata kuliah yang wajib maupun pilihan untuk diambil oleh mahasiswa mulai dari Semester ke-1 hingga Semester ke-8:
– Matematika
– Fisika Dasar
– Kimia Dasar
– Menggambar rekayasa plus praktikum
– Statika
– Pengetahuan lingkungan
– Menggambar struktur bangunan
– Mekanika Bahan
– Bahasa Pemrograman plus praktikum
– Dasar-dasar pemetaan
– Statistika dan Probabilitas
– Analisa struktur
– Mekanika Fluida
– Mekanika tanah plus praktikum
– Teknologi bahan konstruksi plus praktikum
– Praktikum ilmu ukur tanah
– Hidraulika plus praktikum
– Rekayasa hidrologi
– Dasar-dasar rekayasa transportasi
– Analisa sistem
– Pengantar mekanikal dan elektrikal
– Pengantar geometrik jalan raya
– Struktur kayu
– Irigasi dan bangunan air
– Ekonomi rekayasa
– Struktur beton
– Struktur baja
– Alat-alat berat / TPM
– Perancangan perkerasan jalan
– Praktikum teknologi bahan jalan
– Manajemen konstruksi
– Drainase perkotaan
– Rekayasa lalu lintas
– Lapangan terbang
– Rekayasa pondasi
– Dasar bisnis konstruksi
– Jalan rel
– Rekayasa gempa
– Struktur beton pratekan
– Tata kota dan daerah
– Aspek hukum konstruksi
– Pelabuhan
– Tugas perancangan
– Pengembangan sumber daya air
– Metoda konstruksi

2. Program Studi Teknik Sipil di Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Tangerang Selatan
Prodi Teknik Sipil di kampus yang juga dikenal dengan sebutan ITI ini telah terareditasi B oleh BAN PT. Sebagai salah satu prodi paling awal di ITI, prodi ini telah menghasilkan banyak lulusan yang tersebar di banyak perusahaan konstruksi / konsultan maupun sebagai pengusaha atau entrepreneur.
Saat ini Prodi Teknik Sipil diperkuat oleh dua orang profesor di bidang Manajemen Konstruksi dan Lingkungan. Sejumlah doktor di bidang Perencanaan Wilayah, Struktur, Material serta Hukum Konstruksi melengkapi kekuatan keilmuan di Teknik Sipil ITI ini.
3. Prospek Kerja Lulusan Teknik Sipil
Pembangunan infrastruktur yang sangat pesat di negara kita belakangan ini tentu membuka peluang yang besar bagi insinyur Teknik Sipil untuk berkontribusi di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu, tenaga kerja ahli dan terampil di bidang Teknik Sipil akan sangat banyak dibutuhkan pembangunan. Namun demikian, di lapangan kelak kamu akan banyak bekerjasama dengan para arsitek dan banyak tenaga ahli di bidang lainnya.
Bagi kamu yang tertarik untuk berkarir di bidang Teknik Sipil, pertimbangkanlah untuk menjadi tenaga ahli di sejumlah perusahaan konsultan swasta atau Badan Usaha Milik Negara (seperti PT Yodya Karya), perusahaan kontraktor swasta atau BUMN (seperti PT Waskita Karya), membangun bisnis mandiri (entrepreneur) sebagai kontraktor rumah atau kontraktor gedung.
Alternatifnya, kamu bisa juga berkarier di berbagai lembaga pemerintah / kementerian seperti Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional / Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan lain-lain. Atau pada berbagai kementerian seperti Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Kementerian BUMN, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan lain sebagainya.
Silakan ditonton video yang menggambarkan profesi seorang insinyur Teknik Sipil berikut ini. Video diambil dari National Science Foundation channel di Youtube sekedar menjelaskan kehidupan dan pekerjaan sehari-hari seorang insinyur Teknik Sipil:

Di bawah ini adalah transkrip yang telah diedit dari video di atas:
Engineer Ken Maschke loves living and working in the city of Chicago. And from Ken’s viewpoint it’s the structures that help bring the city to life.
Every day he gets to move to the pulse of a city filled with vitality, or ride, or climb, even skate. Ken is a licensed civil engineer at Thornton Thomasetti, a world-renowned engineering firm.
Civil engineering is really the jack of all trades of the engineering profession. It includes transportation, structures. There’s geotechnical, construction, water resources. Together, it’s mostly about the infrastructure that we all use and we live in.”
Civil engineering goes back to the earliest days of civilization. If anyone’s responsible for building this country, it’s civil engineers.
Civil engineering is really a people-serving profession, especially when nature throws us a curved ball. When it comes to hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, civil engineers are there to make sure that the buildings, the bridges, and the infrastructure stays operating and stays safe for people.”
Ken and his team specialize in structural engineering. “Very simply put, structural engineering is making things stand up.” Already in his career, he has worked on a huge variety of projects. He has worked on baseball stadiums, football stadiums, practice fields.
He has worked on high-rises here in Chicago, and even internationally, in Denmark, and in the UAE, in Dubai. The architect usually gives him a pretty picture of the skin of the building. A structural engineer really looks behind that into the guts and the bones that hold up that skin.
The team is on their way to one of Chicago’s most beloved icons. Rising from the ashes, 17 years after the Great Chicago Fire, the Rookery building was completed in 1888.
Many times they get involved with historic construction and trying to preserve it. At the Rookery building, they are going in evaluating the existing structure and just trying to come up with new ways so that crews can keep it in top shape. “The walls are basic masonry barrier walls and the interior is all steel frames from construction.”
In the drawings, the civil engineers see a story of imagination and innovation. Elevators, electric lighting, panel glass windows, fireproofing, features that define the modern skyscraper. Ken has a desk, but you’ll rarely find him there.
Let’s open up the drawings and see if we can find out what’s going on. Looks like there’s a step here, so you see how they have the two beams adjacent to each other, then one of these is going to be high for this part, this bay could have a little more snow load on it.”
Then it’s off to a presentation. Remarkably, Ken’s day has just begun. Ken grew up on a farm, so you’d think the big city would mean a big adjustment. But in just a few short years, he has developed a special connection to the city.
One of the reasons Ken went into structural engineering, it’s because he wanted to be able to show people what he worked on. He has worked on that building over there. Here’s another building he has worked on; another one on this side of the river.
They’ve worked on the Chicago Board of Trade building, too. When Ken was in high school he didn’t know necessarily that he wanted to be a civil engineer. He was good in math and science, but he thinks the best engineers are those that are very well rounded and bring together a lot of different ideas.
Some of Ken’s projects involve routine structural maintenance. Others push structural design to the limits.
Imagine putting a 50-storey building on top of Union Station. That’s what structural engineers do. This meant that we need to look at all the existing foundations and the columns, and imagine a way to support the weight of a new structure on top of what it was already there.”
What most folks don’t see are the design challenges that Ken has to face. “If a wind gust were to go and hit the building, this is the behavior that it would most likely start to move as. If it moves too quickly or too much, people might get sick, and then there’s no way you could sell space on the top floor.”
A city would not be a city without building like these or without rail lines, bridges and roads, water and sewage systems. Things people count on to keep their city working.
There is a lot of work that’s involved with maintaining all of these parts of the infrastructure. And engineers need to be a little more like Clark Kent than Superman.”
That’s why civil engineers don’t just work with companies like Ken’s. You’ll also find them in municipal, state and federal government settings, research facilities, and universities. Ken holds a bachelor of science and a master’s of science degree in civil engineering.
Very rarely do he works on anything by himself. But together, that helps them to come up with the best solutions to the problems.In a sense, their job is to pave the way for the future by incorporating new materials, building techniques, and new ways to save energy.
This is a project that he worked on with some architects, trying to envision a way to use a currently undeveloped site in Chicago. They think the idea that they’re presenting, with green technology, offers a way of the future, how buildings in the future will need to be planned, designed, in order to be more sustainable in infrastructure and in cities.
Green ideas like these are changing the way buildings are being built and renovated all over the world. He thinks there are so many other difficult questions in today’s day and age dealing with the environmental impact of the building, how to deal with the building’s energy needs.
Engineers can be more involved with all aspects of that. “Instead of just taking the skin that they give us for granted, let’s go back and try to engineer a better way.”
Ken sees Chicago as a living city, ever evolving and ever in need of improvements. “There’s always something new to work on. It’s a wonderful having that feeling that all of your hard work has paid off into something tangible.”
As he looks on into the future, Ken can see there is no end to what he can learn and what he can do to help cities like Chicago thrive.
5. National Science Foundation Channel di Youtube

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