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Smart Negotiating Tips from a Buyer's Agent
The best thing about negotiating is you don’t have to be a pro negotiator to get a best deal for you on your next property purchasing. Keep in mind few things about how buyers agent negotiate during a deal to get a cheaper deal. Here we will discuss some smart negotiating tips from a buyers agent.
Identify the Property Weakness
While negotiating for the property, you can give the vendor few reason for the discount in property like busy road, opposite to school, needs re-wiring etc. You just need to show agent and vendor that you are interest to buy the property but it should get discounted due to the following issues.

Make the offer clear

Make the offer clear to the vendor and just leave the deal for few days and be sure not to communicate them too early as this will indicate them that you can pay more .

Explain Agent about your Next Plan

If your deal is still not set with any of the vendor then you must have to explain he buyers agent about your next plan for future purpose. If your relations are good with the agent then he/she will know that what are exactly your requirement and will start searching for more deals for you. An agent never want to leave its leading buyer, so he’ll get you another best deal at the earliest.

Read Full Article- https://buyershub.com.au/smart-negot...-buyers-agent/
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