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Leading Movie Genres
Film is an artwork that has been known since hundreds of years ago. It is firstly made in 1888 by a director from UK, Louis de Prince. Different from other artworks, film could be enjoyed both in audio and visual. Everything in film could affect people watching it. A person could cry because of sad scenes in film. Beside that, an individual could clench his fist when seeing a bad guy in a film. Film's huge influence on the emotion makes it loved by many. There are many films that drive people waiting for ticket in a long queue. Among various film genre, people mostly like horror, adventure and superhero movies.

1. Horror movies

Horror film brings scary atmosphere. It is always interesting for people who love the thrill of seeing supernatural things. Since it has numerous ghost sights a horror movie is not suitable for children. Watching horror movies could make children haunted by their remembrance of scary creatures in the movie. One of famous horror movie is The Exorcist (1973). It becomes a film with hugest grossing in1973. It has as much as US $ 230 million for the domestic box office. Its thrilling story makes everyone curious. Beside its huge grossing, The Exorcist winsThe best picture, and the best sound mixing in Academy Awards.

2. Superhero fiction

Superhero fiction movie has amazed many eyes since long time. It always has relieving story plots. Watching a superhero movie leaves people satisfied because of its happy endings. Superhero movies are good for children. They entertain children with the sight of superheroes' extraordinary costumes. Not only because of the superheroes' appearances the movies are safe for children because of its morality values. Every superhero movie shows that being evil would bring lost. Having broader age range makes superhero fiction movie becomes one of the most popular genre. Among many good superhero movies Avengers: Endgame becomes a movie with highest income in 2019. It reaches US $ 858 million domestic box office. Beside that, Avengers: Endgame also wins numerous awards in Academy Awards, Critics' Choice Awards, and British Academy Film Awards.

3. Adventure

Adventure is one of movie genres which attract people the most. It has lots of surprises so that people want to watch it longer. The genre's lovers are accustomed with remarkable things in adventure movies. For example, the amazing nature and creatures in Harry Potter movies made people anticipate its sequels. Adventure movies let its viewers looking at something in a different point of views. While in real world tarantula cannot eat human, an acromantula (a big tarantula) in Harry Potter can easily swallow human. Adventure movies have its own impression on people. One of the most popular adventure movies is Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. Being people's favorite movie turns it to be the film with highest income in 2011. It has US $ 381 million domestic box office. Not only bringing big income, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow also wins best art direction and best visual effects in Academy Awards.

Movies always amaze people everytime they watch it. Everyone involved in the creation of a movie keeps things in good quality. Although many films get huge income, it is just a bonus. It is caused by the main objective of film creation is a quality art. So, the films like The Exorcist, Harry Potter, and Avengers: Endgame becomes so popular because they are well created. Their quality make them to be films with highest income. Beside their quality, the films' genres also cause their successfulness.

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Diubah oleh GutSchreiben 05-11-2020 02:31
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