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Indonesia has the highest number of coronavirus deaths in Asia outside of China

Indonesia has the highest number of coronavirus deaths in Asia outside of China

Posted 9hhours ago

Indonesia has reported 407 new coronavirus cases, taking the total number to 5,923 and surpassing the Philippines as the country with the highest number of infections in South-East Asia.

Key points:
Indonesian authorities say they have stepped up testing for COVID-19
Many have been critical of President Joko Widodo's handling of the crisis
Dozens of new cases in Indonesia have been linked to a religious gathering in India
The announcement came a day after an Indonesian official said the number of cases could reach 106,000 by July, and follows criticism that a low rate of testing has hidden the extent of the spread of the virus.

Indonesia has accelerated testing and Achmad Yurianto, a health ministry official, said on Friday that 42,000 tests had been performed, up about three-fold in two weeks.

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"Transmission is still occurring. This has become a national disaster," Mr Yurianto told a televised broadcast in which he reported 24 additional deaths, taking the total to 520, the highest number of fatalities from the disease in east Asia outside China.

Earlier this month, Australia temporarily withdrew its ambassador to Indonesia, Gary Quinlan, over coronavirus concerns.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo inspects medical equipment at a new hospital in Jakarta.
Indonesia has turned the 2018 Asian Games athletes' village into an emergency medical facility with a 3,000-bed capacity.(AP: Hafidz Mubarak A)
Health researchers have said the number of infections could spike because of the traditional exodus from cities, known in Indonesia as mudik, after the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

In a model seen by Reuters this week, researchers at the University of Indonesia forecast there could be 1 million infections by July on Java, the country's most populous island and home to the capital, Jakarta.

President Joko Widodo has resisted pressure for a total ban on mudik, though the head of the government's COVID-19 task force said those going would have to undergo a 14-day quarantine.

Why is Indonesia's COVID-19 death rate so high?
Indonesian school students have their temperature taken
Indonesia's rate of testing for COVID-19 — among the lowest in the world — means only a few thousand tests have been done for an entire population of 270 million people.

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In a separate news conference, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said 75 Indonesians out of 717 contracted the coronavirus in India after participating in a gathering of Muslim pilgrims last month.

Thirteen had recovered, she said.

The Tablighi Jamaat movement behind the gathering in India also hosted an event in Malaysia that drew 16,000 followers and led to more than 500 coronavirus infections.

"We already had a plan to evacuate them. But we had to postpone it because everyone in the Tablighi Jamaat in India is in quarantine," she said, adding some also faced a "legal process".

Authorities in Maharashtra have filed cases against more than 200 members of Tablighi Jamaat for allegedly helping to spread the disease, including by hiding in mosques, a police official said.


World Economic Forum pada 23 Maret 2020 memuat tulisan Robert Barro dari Harvard University. Dia menyebutkan tingkat kematian akibat Pandemi Flu 1918 di Indonesia adalah tertinggi ketiga di dunia!

Paling banyak di India dengan 5% populasi, lalu Afrika Selatan dan kemudian Indonesia dengan 3% populasi. Siddarth Chandra dari Michigan State University dalam paper ilmiah tahun 2013 berjudul 'Mortality from the influenza pandemic of 1918-19 in Indonesia' menyebutkan perkiraan penduduk Indonesia yang meninggal sekitar 4,26-4,37 juta orang untuk Pulau Jawa dan Madura saja.

Bakalan sampai 4 juta orang gak yah yg meninggal, ini masih sedikit, ayo kurang-kurangin populasi mumpung masih belum banyak

Indonesia has the highest number of coronavirus deaths in Asia outside of China

Good job Indo, teruskan kematiannya, prestasi Corona ya emoticon-Cool
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