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[LOVE LETTER 4] A Letter to My Soldier
A Letter to My Soldier
By : Yuliaresi Anjelina

[LOVE LETTER 4] A Letter to My Soldier

Earth, 20 February 2020

Dear soldier,

I'm so happy that i still hear from you. I was bit worried and keep praying for you in the middle of night. I hope the angels embrace you with their wings, protect you from any harmful things. I hope you sleep good enough, even though you can't sleep at night because of your duty and responsibility.

About me, i'm not that healthy but i'm fine. I get used to with the pains that feels never end. But i'm feeling good when this little heart beats for you. I'm alive in the flame of love.

Do you know my Dear? Today i'm mad to the rains. Do you know why? Because It keep teasing me. It doesn't want to stop saying your name in every drops of the rains. It doesn't know that your name in it's rythm scratches my heart, makes me want to see you so bad.

I ask to the winds that touch my cheek tenderly, can't it fly to the other part of this world to meet my soldier? Touch his soul and tell him that i miss him a lot, i said.

And this cold weather that embraces me to my bones. It understand that i'm empty without you. This coldness knows that i need your company here, so it doesn't let me be alone. Without i realised my cheeks become wet. The tears has fallen from my eyes as if it wanted to compete with the rains that has fallen from the sky.

My man in the uniform, the earth and the sky will apreciate of everything you have done. You go to the other part of the world, you stand in the battle with courage, you fought for people's freedom and you defend the lands dignity.

My strong man who are carrying heavy gun, are bravely staying under the sun. Without selflessness you are erasing the darkness. Even though you said that you are tired already, you wanted to go home. You really miss the peace in this dark world. Just like the dry lands yearn for the rains.

Dear man, this parting is painful but this little heart is still strong. Even if my heart has broken into another little pieces, i still could collect it and glue it back with your love. Even your love will make it stronger. As strong as your love to our beloved lands.

Can't wait to see you here with me, to hear your laugh, to gaze your eyes, to feel your breath and to hold you in my arms. I long for your safe return to our home. For now, i'm just gonna hold your shadows untill i fall in my sleep and see you in dreams.

My beloved, take good care of yourself there. May God always be with you. I always love you.

Sincerely Yours

Julie Ann

[LOVE LETTER 4] A Letter to My Soldier

Letter ini ane dedikasikan untuk para tentara di mana pun berada.
Almarhum Kakek ane dulu juga seorang tentara, walaupun pada akhirnya beliau mengundurkan diri karena tak mendapatkan dukungan dari keluarga.
Pada saat itu ane belum hadir ke dunia, jadi ane enggak bisa memberikan semacam support. Mungkin, lewat tulisan sederhana ini, ane dapat mengapresiasi jasa-jasa para tentara yang berjuang demi tanah airnya, berpisah dari orang-orang yang dicintai, bahkan berkorban nyawa.

Sumber tulisan : Opini pribadi by Julie.Ann/Yuliaresi Anjelina
Sumber gambar : Pixabay

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