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[LOVE LETTER 3] My Love , Starting From A Game

[LOVE LETTER 3] My Love , Starting From A Game

For you,
Afinah Van Queen

Since the first time I know you, there is nothing different from this taste.
Until you become my best friend, but I'm still normal, and don't feel anything different.

But it turns out it's just first, just before I love you,
As time went on, this feeling began to grow and I felt something different than usual.
The feeling that I always want to be by your side, laugh together, share together, even if I cry, I also want to be by your side.

How is this heart when I can see you smile, when we are together.
But when you are not with me, this heart feels empty, as if you don't have the spirit to do anything,

I realize, this is the name of love. Yes, I have fallen in love with you. And without me knowing it, it turns out you have become an encouragement in my life, making my days more colorful than before. When you don't leave me, I miss you so much, I finally decided to give this love letter.

Yes, I'm in love with you. It's up to what's in your heart while reading my letter. I just say and say what I feel, from the bottom of my heart. If you accept my love, then I will be very happy, maybe even the happiest person on this earth.

Finally, I hope that you reply to my letter. I will accept any answer from you, and whatever you will say later.

From who loves you,

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