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Magento eCommerce Google Remarketing Advertising Tips
Some banner ads seem to follow you while you're surfing the 'Net. When this happens, you're probably seeing "remarketing" advertising at work. Remarketing's goal is to bring your site's previous visitors back, so they ultimately buy the product or service you're offering.

Remarketing is fairly easy to understand if you're familiar with browser cookies. It involves placing a cookie in your visitors' browsers, which then allows you to serve targeted ads to those visitors while they're viewing other websites.
One type of remarketing campaign involves targeting every visitor who gets to your checkout page but then abandons the purchase. When this happens, you could offer the visitor a coupon or discount code as an incentive to return and complete the purchase. This type of remarketing ad will only be shown to visitors who came very close to purchasing your product - after all, they almost completed the checkout process.

Why Should You Use Remarketing?

Remarketing campaigns are highly targeted, and this is the most clearcut reason to use one. By using a browser cookie, you can "tag" your site's visitors based on the pages they view. If your goal is to target buyers by offering special promotions, you could "tag" every visitor who arrived at your product "thank you" page. Now, whenever they're surfing online, those buyers would see ads that have been specifically tailored to your site's customers.

Remarketing's targeting capabilities aren't the only thing that makes it useful, however. Using remarketing will also expand the reach of your advertising. If Google Search ads are the only way you're advertising, you're missing out on the tremendous opportunity that the Content Network offers. This is where remarketing ads are displayed.

Many advertisers are at least somewhat unfamiliar with advertising on the Content Network. Remarketing can be a great way to explore whether this advertising channel can help you. The risk is greatly reduced because your ads will only be displayed to people who have actually demonstrated the interest in what you're selling.

Remarketing can also be used for market research. For example, you'll learn valuable information about your prospects and customers because Google will display the precise websites they visit after leaving your site. Over time, you'll learn which sites are favored by your target customers. This information will tell you which sites to advertise on because you'll have complete confidence that your target customers actually do visit those sites.

How You Can Use Remarketing: An Example

Now that you understand why you should use remarketing, let's go through an example that can help you get started.
If you have an e-commerce site that offers products in different categories, consider creating separate remarketing campaigns for each category.
Recommend: Setting Google tag manager for Magento store to tracking and Run AdWords Marketing:
An online clothing shop, for example, might want to remarket to people who visit the "dresses" section of the site but fail to make a purchase. These remarketing ads would primarily target women, and they would highlight dress sales and/or popular dresses to motivate visitors to return to the site's dresses section.

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