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When I think I need to be smarter than the smart one
So, I've been feeling unwell lately. Usually I wash my clothes alone, but because of my incapability of working my energy off, I then decided to send my dirty clothes to laundry that's located five minutes away from my kost.

The laundry lady that I met kinda sneaky and I really mean it. She said before that by paying 8 thousands I could get my clothes back in 1 day, yet when I came back with my clothes she said it could be done in 2 days. Ok, I let it pass after asking her the chance of paying less and what's the different. Basically paying less money will end up as getting my clothes 4 days later.

The interesting part was this: when I put my clothes on the scale it showed as 7.3 kg, but the lady said she counted as 8 kg. I was like WOW! So I asked her why is it like that since it's a big difference from 0.3 to 1. She tried to deffend herself by saying it's their rules for the clothes above 2 kg. I still thought it was not fair. So I said 7.5 will be fine for me but she rejected the idea. So I asked her if she got extra plastic bag, she asked me why, I said: so I could remove some of my clothes to decrease the weight on the scale and make it to 7 kg.

She came inside and came back later with a plastic bag. So I decided to pick my work shirt out of that bag on top of the scale and put it into the new plastic bag that she gave me. And boom: the weight went down to 6.99 kg that counted as 7, this one I did not mind.

Next one was payment: she said how much would I spend? I said, I'll pay half of it, but after calculated 7*8 = 56 thousand, her tone in the way she said it was insisting me to pay for 50 thousands, I said: no no, I'd pay half, can you check how much is it? 28 thousand. So I said ok I'll pay 30 thousand at front.

After all, I was so glad that I was smart enough to take that shirt out of that scale, otherwise I had to pay 8 thousand extra. And that 8 thousand is the exact amount I pay for my one way ride to work in the morning.I know for some people 8 thousand is nothing, but for me it's still worth it to safe that 8 thousand and being good at negotiating.
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