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[BLUNDER]Merkel's Popularity Is Faltering In Germany, New Survey Shows

The refugee crisis has divided Germany. Despite Chancellor Angela Merkel's warm words and saintly intentions to shoulder the refugee crisis, her efforts are meeting resistance at home. The populace feels overwhelmed and unsupported, not knowing where to accommodate so many people.

Even in the Social Democratic Party (SPD), a coalition partner to Merkel's Christian Democrats Union, there is a growing discontent with the chancellor. Bavaria's Christian Social Union (CSU), a sister party to Merkel's CDU, is more vocal in its criticism of the chancellor's view towards refugees. To demonstrate this, CSU chief Horst Seehofer publicly invited Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Bavaria. To make matters worse, right-wing rabble-rousers like the anti-immigrant group Pegida in Dresden have reported increasing attendance at their protests.

The German population is increasingly skeptical of the chancellor’s refugee policy, reveals one recent survey from the opinion research institute INSA, done for the magazine Focus Online. One in two Germans disagrees with Merkel on this issue, according to the survey.

Here are the three most important insights from the survey:

1. Merkel's policy is meeting criticism.
Only 41 percent of respondents agreed with the statement, "I approve of most of the policies of the Chancellor." Forty-eight percent of respondents stated that they were not satisfied with the policies of the chancellor, and 11 percent abstained.

2. Support for Viktor Orban is high.
It isn't just the so-called concerned citizens throughout the country who now sympathize with the right-wing Hungarian prime minister. The survey showed that one in every three Germans now considers Orban's measures at the border of the EU to be justified. Orban received high support from followers of the Free Democratic Party, Germany's liberal party (44 percent) and adherents of the right-wing, "euro-sceptic" party Alternative for Germany (85 percent). And according to the poll, 44 percent of East Germans would endorse the Hungarian example. In contrast, only about 30 percent of West Germans sided with Orban.

3. East Germans are significantly more critical.
Overall, citizens from East Germany are significantly more critical of current refugee policies than West Germans: 56 percent of East Germans reject the chancellor's policies while 31 percent agree with her. In the West the numbers are different: 44 percent of respondents are in favor of current refugee policy, while 46 percent reject it.


Rally against Islam outnumbered by counterprotesters

DEARBORN, Mich. — About a dozen people, some armed with rifles, showed up for an anti-Islam rally over the weekend, outnumbered by two groups of counterprotesters.

Waving American flags and holding up signs that read “Stop the Islamization of America” and “ISIS Is Evil,” the protesters gathered outside Henry Ford Centennial Library and said they were demonstrating against radical Islam. It was one of about 20 weekend rallies planned near mosques across the U.S. The organizers wanted to protest against the Nation of Islam’s “Justice or Else” event, held in Washington, D.C., and against what they said is the threat of the Muslim faith.

Marcia Bodary of Mt. Clemens held up a sign that read: “No More Refugees,” expressing concern about Syrian refugees coming to America.

“We’re taking in too many refugees,” she said. “We don’t know who they are. It’s impossible to vet them … Don’t overwhelm us. We can’t afford it.”

The anti-Islam protesters, who support open-carry rights, were met with two groups who opposed their message: members with a communist group and supporters of open-carry who said they wanted to express solidarity with Muslims.

Several protesters and counter-protesters brandished AK47 or AR15 rifles. City officials had said were worried about the event, but it went smoothly with no arrests, Dearborn Police Chief Ron Haddad and Dearborn Mayor Jack O’Reilly Jr. said after the rally.

“That’s democracy, that’s America,” O’Reilly said of the protests. O’Reilly said he hopes the protesters realized that Dearborn, where many residents are Muslim, is not a radical place. The city has dealt with several anti-Islam protests over the past five years.

“They came here and saw: there’s no threat to them,” he said. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

O’Reilly and community leaders had been urging people not to show up to confront the protesters. Their message was heard, with only about 30 counterprotesters showing up.

Area Muslims and Arab-Americans participated in other already planned events to help communities, including feeding and clothing needy people at the Muslim Center in Detroit.

Most of the anti-Islam protesters declined to give their names. The administrator of the Facebook page who organized the Dearborn event also has not given his name.

Jon Ritzheimer, an Arizona man with the anti-government group Oath Keepers who had threatened to arrest U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow in Michigan over her support of the Iran deal, was one of the leaders who instigated the nationwide protests, said the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The communist group that counter-protested in Dearborn held up signs that read “No to Anti-Islam Bigots” and “Unity Yes! Racism No!” while chanting “Stop Terrorizing Muslims at Home and America” and “Hey hey, ho ho, racist fascists got to go.”

The open-carry group that supported Muslims said it wanted to send a message that open-carry proponents are not bigots. One couple from Cadillac who support gun rights but opposed the anti-Islam message had guns painted red, white and blue along with patriotic shirts colored like an American flag.

“I’m here today to protest the Islamophobic protesters that are here bearing arms,” said Rekab Semaj of Oakland County, who had an AK47 rifle slung over his shoulder and a sign reading “Muslims Deserve Freedom.”

“My message is that liberty is for everyone, that liberty has no borders … Just because someone is of a certain religion does not mean they are dangerous. Just because the fact I’m a gun owner, does not mean I am inherently dangerous.”

A handful of Muslims debated with the anti-Islam protesters about religion and extremism. The protesters were inside a fenced area set up by Dearborn Police, who kept a close eye on the rallies.

Dearborn Police Chief Haddad said of the protest: “I’m very proud of our community. Our mayor asked them to stay home, and they stayed home,” largely ignoring the anti-Islam demonstrators.

“Democracy worked the way it was supposed to,” Haddad said. “Both sides did the right thing. They were civil…that’s what this country is all about.”


HAIL merkel !! emoticon-Big Grin

rakyat jerman sendiri pun jd antipati sm tante emoticon-Ngakak emoticon-Ngakak
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