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Romantic Seoul: Love Locks at N Seoul Tower
As couples braved the cold to gaze at the love locks hand in hand, or scribble their messages of love ready to affix to the railings, I felt a little pang of jealously. Travelling solo was fun but in places like this sometimes I just wanted another person to share the moment with and perhaps place our own love lock.
It wasn’t long until I was distracted and smiling again when one overly zealous young Korean man made it his mission to take photos with every girl present at the tower that day, boyfriend in tow or not!

Love locks and heart love chair at N Seoul Tower

Elmo love lock, paper note love lock and mobile phone cover love lock at N Seoul Tower

Love locks of all shapes and sizes were affixed around there. Made from genuine locks, some where made from mobile phone covers or scraps of paper. Curiously there was a chopping board with a message of love, a sock, and also a spoon…. though in my opinion the best locks were ones with photos on them.

I was also delighted to see a ‘condom’ lock… that’s right ladies and gents, the message of practicing safe sex with your beloved is alive and well in Seoul.
nother neat features of N Seoul Tower are the heart chairs. The heart-shaped chaires feature leaning edges to help you get closer to that certain someone and many couples did make good use of it.
If people didn’t have love locks they scribbled their messages of love on the chair itself, making it a cute, multi-purpose feature.

Sunset from the love locks at N Seoul Tower

Giant Metal Heart Love Lock at N Seoul Tower

With love locks around the world, one of the biggest problems that governments and cities have is that the lovers then throw the keys away – often off hillsides or into water causing environmental problems – to ensure no one finds the key to unlock the padlocks, meaning that their love won’t endure. To combat this N Seoul Tower have come up with a helpful but charitable option.

Couples can leave their keys in the Postbox of Love after locking-up and part of the revenue from the keys collected in the postbox is donated to underprivileged children, the perfect campaign to spread the love around South Korea!
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