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Prestasi Ekonomi SBY : Jadikan RI Negara dgn Pertumbuhan Miliarder Tercepat di Dunia
Indonesia, Negara dengan Pertumbuhan Miliarder Tercepat di Dunia
Liputan 6Liputan 6 – 10 jam yang lalu

Sebagai negara dengan perekonomian terbesar di Asia Tenggara, Indonesia juga ternyata mampu menambah jumlah orang kaya di Tanah Air. Mengacu laporan lembaga riset dunia WealthInsight yang dikutip oleh Bank DBS, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan persentase pertumbuhan miliarder tercepat dunia.

Angka pertumbuhan miliarder Indonesia mencapai 22,6 persen dari jumlah semula yang 37.000 pada 2013 dan mencapai lebih dari 45.300 pada 2014. Angka tersebut bahkan melampaui tingkat pertumbuhan miliarder China sebesar 7,9 persen dan India 17,1 persen.

Head of Consumer Banking Group DBS Indonesia, Steffano Ridwan mengatakan, terdapat dua alokasi investasi terfavorit bagi miliarder di Tanah Air. Dua komponen investasi buruan para miliarder Indonesia adalah properti dan saham.

Berdasarkan hasil risetnya, jika jumlah investasi di kedua sektor tersebut dijumlahkan, hasilnya bisa mencapai 50 persen dari alokasi aset total para orang kaya atau High-Net-Worth Individual (HNWI) di Indonesia.

"Oleh karena itu, kenaikan harga yang kuat di sektor properti dan pasar saham dalam beberapa tahun terakhir menjadi pendorong utama banyaknya rakyat Indonesia yang masuk ke kalangan HNWI," terang Steffano seperti dikutip dari keterangan tertulis Bank DBS, Senin (15/9/2014).

Sejauh ini, jumlah miliarder di Indonesia berhasil mencapai 45.300 jiwa dibandingkan 37 ribu orang tahun lalu.

Sekadar informasi, DBS adalah grup penyedia jasa keuangan terkemuka di Asia, dengan lebih dari 250 cabang di 17 negara di dunia. DBS bermarkas di Singapura dan tumbuh pesat di China, Asia Tenggara, dan Asia Selatan. (

10 Sep 2014

New wealth report from WealthInsight: Indonesia’s 36,215 millionaires are collectively worth $230 billion and this only looks set to increase
  • There were 36,215 millionaires in Indonesia at the end of 2013, collectively worth US$230 billion. By 2018, WealthInsight expects there to be 51,003 millionaires with a collective wealth rising to US$336 billion - making these high net worth individuals 32.3% richer than 2013.
  • Between 2009-2013 the number of Indonesian millionaires rose by 62%. This is positive compared to India, whose HNWIs only increased by 28.4% in the same period.
  • Far the largest majority of these millionaires (55%) live in Jakarta (19,954 millionaires). In second place is Bandung, which accounts for a mere 2.7% of the country's millionaires (974). Jakarta will also see the fastest rise in millionaires. By 2018 there will be 33.7% more millionaires in the capital.
  • New president, Joko Widodo, has many political and economic issues to face when he enters office next month, especially finding additional resources to improve infrastructure and tackle poverty. WealthInsight's Analyst, Tom Carlisle, believes the new president will show a different style of leadership in Indonesia.
  • Fast-moving consumer goods is the industry from which most Indonesian millionaires acquire their wealth: In 2013 it was the primary source of wealth for 18.2%. Other industries (such as basic materials- source of wealth for 13.2% of millionaires) are expected to increase as large-scale investments are made into power and other infrastructure.
  • There were 617 multimillionaires (individuals with over $30 million) in Indonesia at the end of 2013, with an average wealth of US$250.8 million per person. This number is expected to reach 868 in 2018 - 40 of these will be billionaires. These ultra high net worth individuals' combined wealth is projected to rise by 30.5% to reach US$221 billion in 2018.
  • At the end of 2013, Indonesian millionaires held 27.8% (US$64 billion) of their wealth outside their home country. Most of this is placed in Asia-Pacific (46.8%), followed by North America (23%) and Europe (15%). WealthInsight expects foreign asset holdings to increase to US$84 billion by 2018.

About this report
This information is based on the WealthInsight report: 'Indonesia Wealth Report 2014.'

'Millionaires' otherwise known as 'high net worth individuals' or 'HNWIs' refer to individuals with net assets of US$1 million or more excluding their primary residences.
'Multimillionaires' otherwise known as 'ultra high net worth individuals' or 'UHNWIs' are individuals with net assets of US$30 million or more excluding their primary residences.
'Billionaires' are individuals with net assets of US$1 billion or more excluding their primary residences.

17 Jan 2014

A comprehensive survey predicts rapid millionaire growth in the year ahead
London - 16 January 2014

A comprehensive survey predicts rapid millionaire growth in the year ahead
- UK set to create an extra 45,000 millionaires as economy continues to improve - showing the highest percentage growth in Europe
- MINT nations (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey) to lead world in millionaire boom
- BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) still show STRONG growth wealthinsight

London - 16 January 2014. A list of the countries set to create the most millionaires in 2014 was released by SPEAR's magazine and WealthInsight today.

The list shows that the UK is set to see the biggest percentage increase in millionaires in Europe and one of the highest in the world ahead of global powers including Japan, Russia and Canada. From the G8 only the US ranks above the UK.

The UK is set to create another 44,557 millionaires in the year with an expansion rate of 6.6% from 2013.

According to SPEAR's Editor, Josh Spero: "As its economy gains STRENGTH and speed in recovery, it's natural that Britain will start to create millionaires, and it's good to know that we're leading our European neighbours."

"The UK's entrepreneurial economy will undoubtedly have a large impact in supporting this growth as will the current property surge that we are seeing at the moment, certainly in the capital. Whether the boom will include bankers at RBS getting huge bonuses seems unlikely."

Although the UK ranks highly in the analysis it is the MINT countries that perform particularly WELL with Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey all ranking within the top eight.

These MINT countries overall perform better than both the BRICs and the G8. Led by Indonesia, which expects to see a 22% increase in the number of resident millionaires in 2014, the list is followed by Nigeria (3) with a 10% increase, Turkey (6) with a 8.5% increase and Mexico (8) with a 7% increase.
According to Oliver Williams from wealth consultancy WealthInsight: "There is a new class of wealthy emerging in the MINT countries, which is going to grow very rapidly. This huge wealth surge happening in the MINT countries now mirrors the BRICs ten or fifteen years ago. The only difference is the new Mexican, Indonesian, Nigerian and Turkish millionaire is likely to be much younger due to the demographics of these countries."
However, there are risks that come with extreme wealth, warns Williams: "Many countries, such as Nigeria, have seen a rise in poverty alongside an increasing millionaire population. Large inequality is a hallmark of the BRICs which could also become a feature of the MINTs if corruption is not checked and philanthropy among the wealthy not encouraged."

* * *

Editor's Notes
For the full list of top millionaire countries please visit

This data comes from WealthInsight's proprietary database of global millionaires (HNWIs). From this data and other official statistics, WealthInsight is able to model the future growth of millionaires in a certain region or country.

'Multimillionaires' otherwise known as 'ultra high net worth individuals' or 'UHNWIs' are individuals with net assets of US$30 million or more, excluding their primary residences.

'Millionaires' otherwise known as 'high net worth individuals' or 'HNWIs' refer to individuals with net assets of US$1 million or more, excluding their primary residences.

SPEAR's is the multi-award winning wealth management and luxury lifestyle brand whose flagship magazine has become a must-read for the ultra high net worth community. It is also required reading for the affluent financial services community, including the bankers, lawyers and family offices who advise the rich.

WealthInsight is the leading source of news and insight into the wealth sector. Working in over 200 countries, with teams of researchers and analysts in 15 offices worldwide, providing detailed analysis on the world's high net worth individuals (HNWI) and producing business information which helps organisations to make informed decisions and win new business. Headquartered in London, WealthInsight has a global reach, with offices in San Francisco, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Hyderabad, Hong Kong and Sydney. Learn more about our services at:

For further information
Please contact Ida Kloster at or call +44 (0) 203 220 0818.

Indonesia Makin Menggoda Produsen Mobil Mewah
Senin, 18 Maret 2013 | 13:06 WIB

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif - Merek eksklusif seperti Bentley dan McLaren akan semakin sering terlihat, bersanding dengan Bajaj, Metromini, Kopaja atau mobil Jepang lainnya di jalanan Jakarta. Penyebabnya, pasar mobil Indonesia sebagai semakin manis.

Analis IHS Automotive, Jessada Thongpak mengatakan, tahun lalu penjualan mobil di Indonesia naik 25 persen, dengan rekor baru 1,1 juta unit, mendekati Thailand 1,4 juta mobil. "Karena populasi 240 juta jiwa, Indonesia akan menjadi yang terbesar di Asean mulai tahun depan (2014)," jelas Thongpak kepada Japan Today, hari ini (18/3/2013).

Pertumbuhan rata-rata kepemilikan kendaraan di Indonesia 6 persen dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Sedangkan, perbandingan kepemilikan mobil dengan penduduk, masih 45 kendaraan untuk 1.000 orang. Pertumbuhan, kepemilkan mobil - rata-rata 288 unit - diperkirakan akan memperparah kondisi lalu lintas Jakarta yang sudah sangat macet dan polusi tinggi.

Merek Eropa

Di lain hal, produsen asal Eropa mengeluh, kalah bersaing dengan merek Jepang karena diskriminasi beban pajak dan tarif impor, khususnya CBU. Padahal dari segi kualitas, Eropa lebih baik, khususnya untuk keselamatan. Saat ini, Uni Eropa sedang berkonsultasi dengan pemerintah Indonesia, membuka kesepakatan baru, perjanjian ekonomi yang membuat produknya makin kompetitif.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW dan Chevrolet yang sudah merakit mobilnya di Indonesia belum memperlihatkan daya saing yang berarti. Upaya merakit, hanya untuk menghindari pajak impor CBU, 40 persen agar bisa menjadi 10-15 persen. Volkswagen dan Audi sudah menyatakan rencana memproduksi mobil di Indonesia dan mendirikan pabrik baru, tidak mudah mewujudkan produksinya di Indonesia. Sementara Chevrolet yang menghidupkan kembali pabriknya di Pondok Ungu, Bekasi, Jawa Barat mengandalkan Spin untuk menarik konsumen Indonesia.

Kalangan Kaya

Menurut lembaga peneliti, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), mayoritas pembeli mobil di Indonesia masih didominasi kalangan kaya dengan pengeluaran rumah tangga, rata-rata di atas 7.500 dolar AS (Rp 72,8 juta) per bulan. Kalangan ini hanya 6,6 persen atau 14,4 juta dari 240 juta penduduk Indonesia.

Diprediksi, jumlah mereka akan menjadi 16,5 persen pada 2020. Situasi itulah yang menjadi pertimbangan merek-merek Eropa untuk menyerbu Indonesia. Menurut BCG, pemandangan mobil-mobil mewah di Jakarta semakin umum. Kalangan elite - konsumen mobil mewah tersebut - jumlahnya saat ini 6 juta orang. Nantinya diperkirakan menjadi 16,6 juta jiwa.

"Saya tinggal di Jakarta! Luar biasa. Di Brussels, kalau Anda berkendara keliling kota, sulit menemukan Ferrari. Tetapi di sini (Jakarta), Anda mudah menemukan Rolls-Royce parkir di salah satu pusat perbelanjaan," komentar Walter van Hattum, Sekertaris I Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia.

McLaren dengan produk eksotiknya sudah membuka dealer resminya di Indonesia, berdampingan dengan Bentley dan Jaguar. McLaren Asia berharap bisa menjual 20 unit tahun ini dengan banderol (tanpa pajak) antara 640.000-740.000 dolar AS (Rp 6,2 miliar - Rp 7,1 miliar).

"Kunci kami, memenuhi keinginan kalangan elite Indonesia untuk memiliki McLaren kendati tidak akan bisa dinikmati jam sibuk," komentar Ian Gorsuch yang dilansir AFP.

Jalan di daerah pemukiman mewah di Los Angeles, USA? No ..noo . itu di Jakarta, agan!

Konsumen Indonesia Gila Mobil Mewah
Rabu, 8 Februari 2012 20:34 WIB

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Orang kaya di Indonesia dikenal sangat gila mobil mewah. Mobil sport premium seharga berapa pun sanggup mereka beli. Jika produknya tak ada di showroom mobil mewah di Jakarta, mereka pun ngotot membelinya ke Singapura.

COO Lamborghini Jakarta Endi Kusumo di sela acara peluncuran Lamborghino Aventador, Senin (6/2/2012) mengatakan, di antara mobil-mobil mewah yang laris terjual di Singapura setiap tahunnya, sebagian pembelinya berasal dari Indonesia. Itulah yang menjadi salah satu alasan, Lamborghini berani merilis Aventador ke pasar Indonesia.

Dia menyebutkan, di Singapura penjualan Lamborghini mencapai lebih dari 90 unit per tahunnya.

Dia menilai, wajar jika angka penjualan Lamborghini di Indonesia masih jauh lebih rendah dibanding Singapura karena pasarnya memang sedang terbentuk. "Kalau untuk Singapura wajar jika penjualannya besar, karena di sana kan semua (orang kaya) berkumpul. Mau dari China, dari Malaysia, dari Indonesia, dan dari Singapura sendiri bisa beli di sana," jelasnya.


Jangankan Pengusaha sukses atau Pejabat pemerintah di negeri ini yang bisa menjadi miliarder, bahkan Boss FPI saja kalau melihat penampilannya dari mobil 'dinas'nya ... jelas sekali, kelasnya kelas 'High Society'
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