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[Russia Media] RussiaToday's Anchor Resign On Air
Liz Wahl, an anchor for Kremlin-funded propaganda network RT, announced her immediate resignation on the air Wednesday afternoon. She cited the network’s inability to objectively cover Russian president Vladimir Putin and the country’s armed occupation of Ukraine.

“Personally, I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin,” she said. “I’m proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth. That is why, after this newscast, I’m resigning.”

Wahl’s grandparents came to the United States during the Hungarian Revolution to escape Soviet occupation, she told viewers, and she decided she couldn’t, in good conscience, continue to work for RT as it shilled for Putin. A day earlier, RT’s Breaking the Set anchor Abby Martin condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine as well.

Gay reporter Jamie Kirchick was booted off the network in August for donning rainbow suspenders and protesting Russia’s anti-homosexual laws on the air, saying any reporters who chose to work for RT should be ashamed of themselves.


Anchor lain yang contradicted Russia action di siaran langsung

Di abad modern ini, mengontrol global media salah satu faktor utama dalam perang atau geopolitik
Diubah oleh Im0nk 06-03-2014 00:12
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