M.T.A.RAvatar border
Good Morning/Afternoon/evening emoticon-Big Grin
I Have a message form Reg.Leader for create a new thread same as old thread emoticon-Malu
I just move contens of the old thread to this thread emoticon-Big Grin
Special thank's to Mr.Dave for make the thread before emoticon-Kiss

welcome to the new english chit chat room emoticon-Big Grin

somehow, it’s very suprising emoticon-Kagets
that we have many people [specially rpmers] posting in here. emoticon-Big Grin
it’s really exciting meet many friends, have chit chat and share some jokes here. emoticon-Angkat Beer
Though TS is not always online because of real life business emoticon-Malu
keep this thread a lively thread emoticon-Wowcantik

like previous thread, here are some brief explanations about this thread:
  • every post shall be in english (*additonal comment in bahasa or bataknesse/karonesse/daerah would be fine) emoticon-army
  • you may do chit chat, still let's make this thread not a blatant junkers' spot (eg: +1 or emoticon only)emoticon-army
  • as general posting regulation, you can take a look at: Peraturan Dasar/Pengumuman RPM, Wajib di Baca dan di Patuhi. /:army/
  • what if someone ignores the rules stated above. TS will answer: just be prepared to be smashed by meemoticon-army
  • is it a must to post in a perfect grammar. TS will say: what is grammar anyway!! emoticon-Hammer
    well, yes grammar is important, but here we can learn it together emoticon-Genit:
    point here is feel enjoy in posting and for someone who is really great on grammar, emoticon-Big Grin
    feel free to share the correction.emoticon-Cool

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