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[ask & share] Practical Driving Assesment
Halo gan, mau tanya tips2 and siapa tau ada yang mau share pengalaman driving test di WA. Recana mau ambil PDA very soon di Cannington

Tips2 yang gw dapet so far mungkin bisa bantu yang lain next time bagi yang ambil driving test

Tips for WA state[1,2,3]:

1. Always stop before crossing a sidewalk like a stop sign and physically move your heads to check for pedestrians.
2. Hug the curve while turning right (swing wide "enough" and points will be deducted).
3. Always turn into the path closest to the entering point.
4. Always signal for the test when leaving the parking lot and returning to it (even if it seems insignificant).
5. Confirm the action the instructor wants you to take.
6. Slow down gradually and stop BEFORE reaching the STOP sign.
7. Check your rear mirror when slowing down or stopping (make this noticeable).
8. When changing to left lane: signal, check rear mirror, check left mirror, turn your head left around, then change if safe.
9. When changing to right lane: signal, check rear mirror, check right mirror, turn your head right around, then change if safe.
10. When backing around a corner, stop at the point the curve begins and do a 360 check for cars and pedestrians.
11. When stopping the car, make sure the you can see the wheels of the car in front.
12. Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all time (to show that you're in control).

My final score was 92/100, and you pass with >= 80/100.

Both hands on steering wheel all the time
Check your mirrors all the time and turn your head when you check it
Don't drop your gear to N when stopping, drop to N only when you've stopped.
On railway crossing, look at both directions
Be relaxed and don't be too nerveous
Test Cases Example:
For example, they will tell you to stop at "number 115".. the trick is that its the opposite side of the road so you have to do a U-turn, but a proper one where you indicate in a driveway, pull up, look, reverse out (probably indicating again idk..) then pull out then go up to where you need to go. However, the TRICK is that there should be a round about closeby, and you are meant to take the round about not do the driveway thing.. but if its too far then you also lose marks.
Anyway as the others have said, dont worry about which place is easiest or who fails people the most. if you are actually a good driver just drive like they ask and if you arent good then you shouldnt be getting your licence without more practice.
The rules about automatic fail if you go through a stop sign is sort of harsh I suppose but how are they supposed to know they only get to see you for 20 mins or so. If you cannot stop at every stop sign and keep your hands on the wheel for those important few minutes then I'm glad they dont give out the licence.

[1,2,3] Multiple sources emoticon-Malu (S)

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