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Amaranthe [Modern Metal Band]
Halo agan" ane mau bagi bagi musik keren nih emoticon-Matabelo
dengan ciri khas 3 vocalist dengan tugas masing": vocalist cewek, cowok clean vocal, cowok scream emoticon-Matabelo

nama album serta single mereka

dengan mengungsung musik cadas yang kental dan dicampur dengan suara sexy si Elize, bikin jozzz band ini n beda daripada yang lain emoticon-Kiss (S)

Amaranthe is a Swedish/Danish power/melodic death metal band that originates from Sweden and Denmark. Formed by Jake E. and Olof Morck, the project began taking shape when singers Elize Ryd and Andy Solvestrom signed on, as did drummer Morten Lowe. In April 2011 their debut album "Amaranthe" was released to worldwide acclaim, charting high in Sweden and Finland, and was the 84th most played album on Spotify in the whole world, all genres!
In Spring of 2011 they did a full on European tour with Kamelot and Evergrey, and now they set their sights on the world!

Spoiler for lebih lanjutnya bisa like FBnya::
Diubah oleh Faro_Dethcoma 02-05-2013 06:54
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