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-=Juventus FC Sp.A ⭐⭐⭐ =- Casa dei Bianconeri @JuveKaskus @IndoJuveJOFC - Part 1
-=Juventus FC Sp.A ⭐⭐⭐ =- Casa dei Bianconeri @JuveKaskus @IndoJuveJOFC - Part 1

-=Juventus FC Sp.A ⭐⭐⭐ =- Casa dei Bianconeri @JuveKaskus @IndoJuveJOFC - Part 1

Welcome To Indonesian Juventini aka Juventini Kaskus Thread Stagione 2020/2021
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Born March 26 2005

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-=Juventus FC Sp.A ⭐⭐⭐ =- Casa dei Bianconeri @JuveKaskus @IndoJuveJOFC - Part 1


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-=Juventus FC Sp.A ⭐⭐⭐ =- Casa dei Bianconeri @JuveKaskus @IndoJuveJOFC - Part 1
Bonaparte dan 26 lainnya memberi reputasi
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Tomorrow the Board of Directors will approve the annual financial report for the year 2022/23, - and therefore it is important to highlight a few things in order to better understand the club's situation.

First of all: Juventus have a settlement agreement with UEFA. The agreement means, that for the years 22/23, 23/24 and 24/25, a maximum total deficit can’t exceed more than -€60m.

Tomorrow's annual report, which I will call Year 1, are expected to be -€110m, so Juventus have already exceeded the maximum allowed limit in the agreement by €50m.

Therefore, the club is under pressure before going into Year 2 and Year 3 and needs to deliver positive annual reports, that can draw the club closer to being able to comply with the UEFA-agreement.

If Juve cannot comply after Year 3 and depending on the severity, the following things can happen:

• Fine (best outcome)
• Max registration of 23 players in a squad
• New players cannot be registered
• Exclusion from UEFA tournaments (worst outcome)

These possible “punishments” could be taken into effect, but first from the 26/27 season.

Secondly it is important for the fans to understand that the Juventus management is already underway with a cure to make the club sustainable in the future. For example, I have already reported that the club's salary expenses have been halved in the past four years.

Don’t expect the club to make big signings, - actually, expect the club to sell. The challenge for Year 2 is the lack of income from the Champions League, which is estimated at an amount in the region of €80m that the club is missing out on. The club's best chance of generating income is via player sales.

A sale of Vlahovic for €80m, however, will only bother €45m, as the club still has €35m left on the books. So it needs to be more than one sale, just to close the gap from the missing income.

Fortunately, the club has many young talents who can generate the necessary income. I can almost already hear the many disgruntled fans on twitter, who have not understood the seriousness of the situation and complain that the club does not keep and dare to invest in young players. But now I have warned you. It will happen and it will also happen that we see more of the established players extend their current contracts, because it is cheaper than having to pay money out of pocket for transfer fees for players coming from outside. It will be a mix of several solutions that can help the club.

The last thing that is worth taking into consideration when understanding the club's situation is the whole setup around the ownership, potential investors and sponsors.

It is the clear expectation that something will happen on this front during the coming months.

Juventus should start by finding a replacement for Bitget, which is no longer the sleeve sponsor of the kit.
There should be €5-10m in revenue there.

We also know that Jeep will not continue as a sponsor and it will be exciting to see who the club can close an agreement with. The Jeep deal has a value of €45m, - despite Juventus not being as attractive as in the Ronaldo's days, I don't expect a future deal to necessarily be smaller. The market is rising and Juventus, shit-storm or not, is an exciting brand to be associated with millions of fans.

In addition, there is talk of a possible minority owner who can take over 15-20% of the shares. It would certainly make a difference on the income side, - I am convinced that a Middle Eastern owner or an American owner will bring a new major sponsor into the deal, to help the club on its way.

There is also the possibility that Elkann and Exor come up with a new initiative that will secure the club financially in the years to come.

1: Settlement agreement with UEFA
2: Club is tryin to reach breakeven, - fans need to lower expectations
3: What will happen regarding ownership ⚫️⚪️

Source: tweet morten bering

Singkat cerita, yg diomongin Giuntoli bukan isapan jempol atau lip service belaka, fokus utama Juve emang sustainability dan menyeimbangkan neraca keuangan klub
Boro2 beli pemain bintang yg ada malah lebih besar kemungkinan jualin pemain2 bintang juve yg ada harganya.. in case profitability klub masih blm bs tercapai
Dan pemain2 yg lg diloan skrg kalaupun bersinar ya bisa2 dijualin

Emang kayaknya satu2nya cara biar balik bersaing secara instan buat juve ya kalo klub dibeli investor arab nan kaya raya
Masalahnya emang ada yg mau beli? Hmmm
exoar dan 4 lainnya memberi reputasi