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Bos SpaceX, Elon Musk Heran dengan Kasus George Floyd
Selasa, 2 Juni 2020 | 16:21 WIB

Meski tengah bergembira lantaran keberhasilan perusahaan SpaceX miliknya yang menerbangkan dua astronaut ke ISS (International Space Station), Elon Musk tetap prihatin dengan kematian George Floyd.

Sebagaimana diketahui, seorang polisi kulit putih telah membunuh seorang tahanan kulit hitam hingga unjuk rasa "Saya Tidak Bisa Bernapas" terjadi di berbagai negara bagian di Amerika Serikat (AS).

Floyd meninggal akibat ditindih polisi di Minneapolis, Derek Chauvin. Chauvin pun telah dipecat dan ditangkap serta akan diproses di pengadilan. Namun, Elon Musk menyayangkan hanya Derek Chauvin yang ditangkap padahal saat kejadian ada tiga polisi yang diam saja saat Floyd meregang nyawa.

"Tentu tidaklah benar bahwa polisi yang lain tidak didakwa dengan apapun," tulis kekasih Grimes itu di Twitter.

"Pesan apa secara umum yang terkirim pada polisi yang diam saja ketika yang lain berbuat salah?" tambahnya dengan hashtag #JusticeForGeorge.

Tak hanya Musk, para bos besar teknologi juga turut memberikan dukungan melalui Black Lives Matter. Mulai dari CEO Alphabet dan Google, Sundar Pichai hingga istri Bill Gates, Melinda.

Lalu CEO Microsoft, Satya Nadella yang turut menyatakan kaum kulit hitam masih sering menderita.

"Rasisme tiap hari, bias dan kebencian di berita hari ini bukan hal baru dan adalah pengalaman yang sering dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, khususnya komunitas kulit hitam Amerika," katanya.

Selain itu juga ada dukungan dari bos besar perusahaan Farmasi, Merck yang juga seorang berkebangsaan Amerika-Afrika.

CEO Merk Kenneth Frazier mengatakan, apa yang terjadi pada George Floyd oleh komunitas Afrika-Amerika dilihat sebagai peristiwa di mana pria Afrika-Amerika ini diperlakukan sangat tidak manusiawi.

"Pria Afrika-Amerika itu, bisa jadi saya, atau pria Afrika-Amerika lainnya," ujar Frazier.

"Sesungguhnya kami masih memiliki kebiasaan, memiliki kepercayaan, dan kami masih memiliki kebijakan dan praktik yang mengarah pada ketidakadilan," tambah Frazier.
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haiyaaa ciilaaka wuuthuutt waaa

Terlalu banyak ANJING yg mancing diaer keruh waaa!!!!

Tukang Jarah memang paling pinter Play Victim waaa!!!!

Walawpun tindakan si polisi SANGAT tdk benar,tetapi kitee khaan blom tau kenapa sampe si polisi begitu agressive waaa!!! emoticon-Frown

Dr video2 dan komunikasi dgn 911 yg adee kiteee bise tarik "kesimpulan" kiree2 siyaape yg salah waaa!!??

Walawpun tetap hrs dibuktikan siyapeee yg salah waaa!!!!

Tetapi kitee bisee tarik kesimpulan ditempat kejadian banyak masalah dgn SUB-human,krn daerah tsb banyak yg pasang CCTV waaa!!??

Caller: Um someone comes our store and give us fake bills and we realize it before he left the store, and we ran back outside, they was sitting on their car. We tell them to give us their phone, put their (inaudible) thing back and everything and he was also drunk and everything and return to give us our cigarettes back and so he can, so he can go home but he doesn't want to do that, and he's sitting on his car cause he is awfully drunk and he's not in control of himself.

“I’ll sit in the seat now”.==>resisting arrest???

RIP George dan Korban KEBIADABAN SUB-human waaa!!!! emoticon-rose

Tindak Tanduk mereka yg BIADAB mungkin salah satu sebab kenapa org2 yg Taat Hukum jd Frustrasi waaa!!!!

Terutama Polisi,mereka Risking their lives,kriminal dibebaskan hakim krn takut HAM dan dicap Rasis waaa!!! :najizzz:

Yg paling kencang tereak RASIS biasa nyeee mereka paling kenceng Play Victim tereak RASIS waaa!!!!

Macam SBKRI ituuw baru RASIS,lebih tepat nyeee Institutionalised Racism waaa!!!! :najizzz:

Perlakuan yg diterima Cindo sangat Rasis,pdhal mereka Tidak Melanggar Hukum,Pendukung Ekonomi dan pembayar Pajak terbesar waaa!!!!

Klo negara2 Bule Rasis,gak mungkin SUB-human dr Seluruh Penjuru Duniyeee ber-bondong2 dgn berbagai cara ingin pindah kesono waaa!!!!


Karena negara2 Bule lebih Beradab Humanis dibandingkan dgn negara2 yg jago Play Victim waaa!!!!

Contoh Humanis

Bule bodoh terlalu banyak HAM,Panggil National Guards SUB-human musti ditembak on sight waaa!!!!

SUB-human BINATANG ngejarah waaa!!!!

BINATANG Nyolonk milik tetangga sendiri!!!:najizzz:

Ciri2 Khas Binatang

Gw puluhan thn tinggal di-negara2 Bule yg masuk katagori paling Rasis juga jaaaaaarang memgalami tindakan Rasis,can't even remember the last time that happened!!!!

Klo sampe terjadi,pelaku nyeee adalah org yg menderita gangguan jiwa waaa!!!!

Gw pernah ditangkep ampeee ditodong pake pistol dikawal sampe kerumah gara2 ngebut dan gak bawa surat keterangan apa2 krn gw lagi test mobil teman waaa!!!!

Boro2 disiksa,didenda juga kagak waaa!!!!

Klo luuw oowlang gak Born Assholes,gak mungkin polisi cari gara2 waaa!!!!

Jadi Positip thinking ajeee degh,walawpun Gak Bener tapi mungkin polisi lagi kesel krn mereka tangkep SUB-human tapi dilepasin ameee hakim krn HAM dan takut dikatain Rasis!!!!!

Krn SUB-human paling jago Play Victim waaa!!!!

Klo oowtak luuw waras,coba dipake utk berpikir,NAPE adeee ANTI thd golongan,etnis,agama tertentu haaa!!!???

Maka nyeee org kek luuw,klo butuh pertolongan dinegara Bule jgn minta bantuan sama Polisi Bule waaa!!!!

Klo luuw pikir si Bule sangat Rasis,luuw oowlang musti konsekwen jgn niru2 gaya hidup si Bule waaa!!!!!

Biasakan jalan kaki jgn naik mobil,jgn niru2 pakaian ala Barat etc waaa!!!!

Gaya hidup luuw oowlang mulai dr lahir sampe jd bangke juga masih gak terlepas dr hasil karya teknologi gaya hidup si Bule yg Rasis waaa!!!!!

Bahkan alphabet,UU/KUHP sistim pemerintahan istana infrastruktur etc masih warisan si Bule waaa!!!! emoticon-Frownemoticon-Frown

Klo luuw oowlang gak tau apee yg disebut Rasisme,mungkin luuw musti liyaat bercermin dinegara luuw waaa!!!!! :najizzz:

SBKRI ituuw baru RASIS,lebih tepat nyeee Institutionalised Racism waaa!!!! :najizzz:

Perlakuan yg diterima Cindo sangat Rasis,pdhal mereka Pendukung Ekonomi dan pembayar Pajak terbesar waaa!!!!

Living in fear: Chinese are prime targets of Paris gangs and violent muggings are on the rise

Bos SpaceX, Elon Musk Heran dengan Kasus George Floyd

The streets of Paris have erupted into inter-migrant strife as North African youths have targeted 'rich' Chinese migrants amid growing tensions.

Police in France recorded more than 200 attacks on Chinese immigrants last year, mostly from hostile migrant gangs.

This comes amid a growing perception that recent migrants from North Africa have become "too demanding" and consider themselves "victims" who deserve pity.
About 100 Chinese residents of Aubervilliers have been attacked and robbed since November, according to the Franco-Chinese Friendship Association.

“It is because of prejudices that Chinese people are weak, docile and wealthy,” said Fang, a young female student. “I’ve been attacked three times in three years and my friends are suffering the same thing. Some have moved away from this area because of it. I don’t go out with a handbag any more.”

Community workers say many muggings are committed by members of other minorities living in the area, generally of Arab or African origin.

Paris officials corroborated the figures but declined to identify the robbers by ethnic origin.==>Typical Bule bodoh Polical Correctness!!!!!!!!

Five teens of African background were arrested on Saturday night over a crime spree in Brighton East and Ormond.
One was still on the run... In the past six weeks, Victoria Police’s Taskforce Tense has made more than 60 arrests of people suspected of links to the Apex gang. But the gang continues to wreak havoc across affluent suburbs in a crime wave including burglaries, bashings, car thefts and even abductions... Police say about 6am on Saturday, gang members, some armed with hammers, broke into an Ormond townhouse through a back window and robbed six Chinese students who had been asleep inside...

Youth gangs target international students at an elite Melbourne university as they're robbed and bashed in sickening string of attacks

n the last 18 days police have been notified of 13 separate attacks on people as young as 19 to as old as 55, the Herald Sun reported.

Kuan Gao, a 19-year-old Chinese student, had his iPhone and wallet stolen from him by three African men at night when he was walking near the university on April 18. ==>haiyaaa no waata Kung Flu waaa!!??

[url= E N S O Randrew-bolt/10-more-examples-of-the-african-gang-myth/news-story/0f375ba79dd284890ddbe91106f6e864]10 MORE EXAMPLES OF THE AFRICAN GANG MYTH[/url]

I have heard so many people - including a Melbourne academic last week - claim that Melbourne's African gang violence is just a media myth.

Here are ten (UPDATE: 13) examples of that "myth" - bashings, carjackings and home invasions - all reported in just the past eight days.

Something quite extraordinary has hit Melbourne, thanks to our refugee program.

(Note: I've had Nigerian and South Africans point out that the label "African gangs" is unfair on many Africans, given that most offenders are actually Sudanese or Somali.)


POLICE are hunting for up to seven thugs who threatened a man with a gun during a terrifying daylight carjacking.

The gang, of African appearance, preyed on the victim as he sat parked in his gold Holden Commodore Sedan in Packenham’s central shopping district about 2.40pm on Friday.


Last week, two men of African appearance smashed a woman’s mouth with the butt of a gun while stealing her car.

The 57-year-old woman was driving in Narre Warren South when her car was hit by a four-wheel drive, before the men got out and assaulted her.

Three, four, five:

A Melbourne surgeon is considering packing up his family of three and moving interstate after losing two cars and tens of thousands of dollars in valuables in a terrifying home invasion that marked the start of a three-day crime spree by an African and Australian gang.

A still-rattled Steven Kara­metos yesterday criticised the top rungs of Victoria Police for not doing enough to let residents know they were at risk of home invasions by gangs when there had been a string of attacks in the neighbourhood...

“It just feels as if no one is really safe at the moment.. We are just so lucky we slept through the attack and didn’t wake up.”

Mr Karametos contacted police on Monday, July 23, as soon as he realised his home had been burgled during the night.

By that night, the gang had driven the family’s Mercedes GLC 250 to the Mill Street APCO service station in Lara in Melbourne’s southwest.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, two men of African appearance and a Caucasian man emerged from the car armed with hammers, which they used to smash their way through the service station’s front doors and into an office where an attendant hid.

Once inside, they forced the employee to hand over cash and tens of thousands of dollars worth of cigarettes....

The gang then used the Mercedes to carry out another home invasion in Camberwell on Tuesday night and the early hours of Wednesday morning, also while a family slept inside. A female resident who woke up during the burglary confronted the intruders and then chased them outside, before hurling a brick at their car as they attempted to flee.

The plan backfired when the brick hit a car window, which immobilised the Mercedes, prompting the intruders to use the keys they allegedly took from inside the Camberwell home to steal a third car.


A TEENAGE boy has been stabbed in the back this evening by a group of three males who wanted his wallet...

Sergeant Cameron Scott said the 15-year-old boy was approached by three males perceived to be of African appearance.


A YOUNG boy was threatened by a teen gang with a knife during a terrifying armed robbery at Fountain Gate shopping centre.

The 16-year-old from Officer was waiting for his parents in the centre’s car park outside the food court when the brazen trio confronted him just after 4pm on July 22...

All three are believed to be aged about 15 or 16 years old.

One was of European appearance, about 173cm tall with a stocky build. The second teen was of African appearance, about 175cm tall with a slim build. The third was also of African appearance, about 168cm tall with a slim build.


A BRAVE milk bar owner was bashed repeatedly in the head with the butt of a gun while trying to save his wife from two masked thugs.

Dandenong North man Jimmy Huang, 47, still nursing a black eye and swollen head, told the Leader he was hit over and over again during the terrifying attack, and he bled so much he couldn’t see...

The pair, described as one man of African appearance and one of caucasian, aged in their late teens to early 20s, fled with about $300 cash and 20 packets of cigarettes.


A PAKENHAM man bashed by a gang for his groceries has spoken about the terrifying ordeal, which left him physically and emotionally traumatised.

The man ... was returning from work on Friday July 13 about 7.30pm, when he was set upon by a gang of youths about 100m from the train station, near the back fence of his home.

The three males were believed to be of African appearance, and all wearing dark hoodies.

They threw him to the ground and punched and kicked him, shattering his shoulder so badly he had to undergo six hours of reconstructive surgery. His shoulder may still need to be replaced.


A schoolboy’s alcohol-free 16th birthday celebration is the latest in a string of recent Melbourne parties to be terrorised by men of ­African appearance, leaving schoolgirls screaming, supervising parents in fear and a hired female security guard with a bloodied face.

The party in a small townhouse in Reservoir in Melbourne’s north turned ugly just after 8pm on Saturday when four men jumped a fence into a backyard where about 70 teenagers were celebrating.



A man has fled from armed robbers in Close Avenue, Dandenong early on 27 July.

The 19-year-old was approached by two males as he walked on the avenue about 3.25am.

One of the assailants snatched the victim’s i-Phone, produced a knife and demanded him to “give us your money”


A train commuter has been robbed by males armed with a baseball bat as he walked to his car near Dandenong railway station on the evening of 26 July...

One of the men lifted their top, revealing the bat tucked into his pants.

The victim complied with a demand to hand over “everything he had, including his backpack”... He fled after the second male claimed he was armed with an unseen knife.

The first offender was described as African, wearing a black jumper, black jeans, Adidas shoes and a large tattoo on his neck.

The other male was described as African, wearing a green jumper with a ‘Supreme’ logo.


Police are seeking to identify three men after an alleged robbery in Melbourne’s CBD on Sunday, 15 April 2018.

At around 1.30pm, three men attended a Latrobe Street food court before approaching a man and allegedly making threatening comments to hand over his backpack.

The man handed over his backpack before further threatening comments were made to provide his laptop password...

Police have released CCTV images of a man whom they believe may be able to assist in their enquiries.

The man is perceived to be African in appearance...

All of these reports are from the past eight days (although some crimes were committed earlier). The number of them - and the brazenness of some of the crimes - is staggering, given how few Sudanese and Somalis live in Victoria.

Yet there are many who persist in blaming everything except the perpetrators, their culture or our refugee program. Blame the media or Australian culture instead.

Migrant Crime in Germany The Lost Sons of North Africa

It was that traumatic night that permanently altered Germany's view of the refugees, hundreds of thousands of whom had arrived in the country in the months prior. The image of the malevolent refugee was born that night. Most of those suspected of having molested and robbed women were North Africans, or "Nafris," a slang term the police use to refer to habitual offenders from North Africa. That term, too, became controversial after police stopped hundreds of young foreigners they suspected of being "Nafris" during the most recent New Year's Eve celebrations in Cologne.

In Cologne and Düsseldorf, in particular, law enforcement has been struggling with criminals from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia for years, with police having investigated 400 suspects from the Maghreb region in 2016 alone. Recently, though, it has become clear how many North Africans commit offenses elsewhere as well. In Saxony, most migrant repeat offenders are from one of the Maghreb countries and North Africans dominate the drug trade in the neighborhood surrounding the Frankfurt train station. In the southwestern city of Karlsruhe, a group of migrants committed so many robberies in such a short amount of time that local authorities formed a task force focusing on migrant repeat offenders, with many of the suspects having come from the North African coast. The police believe that one reason for the declining number of criminal offenses in Karlsruhe has to do with the falling number of migrants in the city.
