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Langkah Disipliner dan Antisipatif TNI Diapresiasi
The Indonesian Military (TNI) is taking legal action against the spouses of members that posted negative comments about the stabbing of Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Wiranto.

During his visit to check up on Wiranto’s condition last night, Army chief of staff Gen. Andika Perkasa said two relatives of TNI members had made negative remarks in regards to Wiranto’s condition.

The individuals have been identified as IPDN and LZ. The women are the wives of two military members who held positions as a commander and a second sergeant in a military district in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.

“These individuals made a post on social media that we suspect violates the Electronic Information and Transactions [ITE] Law. We will take this up with the court,” Andika said on Friday.

Andika also said the military members would be removed from their positions for violating the military discipline regulation stipulated in Law No. 25/2014.

“We will also impose military punishment against them by detaining them [the military members] for 14 days,” he said.

The two officers have been removed from their positions.

At the same time, the Indonesian Air Force also reported a woman identified as FS to the police for making a negative remark about Wiranto.

In a post on Facebook, which has been deleted, she said she believed the assault was orchestrated to distract from other issues as President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s inauguration approaches.

“I hope the assaulter is fine and safe from the police’s wrath, as for the one who got stabbed, I pray that he will die soon,” FS wrote on Facebook.

FS, whose husband has been identified as first lieutenant assistant YNS of Muljono air base in Surabaya, East Java, will be charged under the ITE Law as well. The Air Force will also remove YNS from his position and detain him for further investigation for violating Law No. 25/2014 on military discipline.

Separately, the public also reported other internet users for spreading alleged hateful comments regarding Wiranto’s condition. Several individuals such as Superman Is Dead drummer Jerinx, social media personality Jonru Ginting and National Mandate Party (PAN) cofounder Amien Rais’ daughter Hanum Rais were also reported for allegedly writing negative remarks about Wiranto on their respective social media.

Wiranto, a retired Army general and former TNI commander, was stabbed in his abdomen by a man allegedly affiliated with a homegrown terrorist group. He was stabbed in broad daylight on Thursday during a visit to an Islamic school in Pandeglang, Banten.
Mantap TNI! Mikirnya 2 langkah ke depan. Anasir2 jahat bakal mikir 2x untuk lawan TNI.
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secara nasional kita jadi tahu, TNI,Polri,PNS,Kampus,Sekolah2, sudah terpapar virus kadrun radikal!
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