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SPINTIRES - The Real Off Road Simulator
Doyan Hal-hal Berbau Off Road ? Jenuh dengan aspal ? Bosan Dengan Game-game off road bertema Arcade Racing atau Time Rally ? Suka bermain Truck Simulator ? Suka bermain dengan Map Luas ? Mau Tes Skill dan Endurance ? Suka bermain dengan mod-mod model truck dan terrain landscape ? Doyan ambil-ambil screenshot menarik tentang off road ? Pengen Game yang bersahabat dengan PC atau Notebook dengan level Mid End ?

Ini thread dan game yang pas buat lu...... emoticon-Angkat Beer

"Spintires is an Intel® award winning game that promises to be one of the best off-roading experiences available for PC."

Spintires™ is an Intel® award winning off-road driving experience designed to challenge the player's driving skill and endurance.

Take responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.

Collect lumber with the crane attachments and try to deliver them to the objectives. Try not to damage your vehicle or consume all of the fuel, prior to completing the objectives. Use the surroundings to your advantage, you may need to winch yourself free!

The real-time deformable terrain will challenge even the most seasoned offroader. Do you accept the challenge?

System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Window 8 (32 bit)
Processor: Intel® Pentium Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT or equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c Compatible
Additional Notes: Game is compatible with: Gamepad Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Window 8 (32 bit)
Processor: Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 or equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c Compatible
Additional Notes: Game is compatible with: Gamepad Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows


The wild off-road adventure begins in Russia, circa 1980-90. You are supplied with a soviet truck and a set of primitive tools for navigation. The task is to collect and deliver logs from deep within the wilderness, ready for shipment abroad.

First, you must load the truck with the logs using the supplied claw crane, then using a map and compass you need navigate to your objectives with the logs secure to complete the objective successfully.

Plot a course and navigate using landmarks whilst trying not to loose your precious cargo, becoming stuck in the mud or depleting all of your fuel reserves. Plans accordingly so that you can pass a fuelling out-post and stop by when required.

If you complete the objective successfully, you will be rewarded with ‘skill points’.

‘Skill points’ are rewarded for the following factors:

Successful delivery of Cargoes (more is better)
Cargo Damage (less is better)
Fuel Usage (less is better)

In addition, ‘Bonus skill points’ are rewarded when:

Secret Crates Discovered (more is better)
Territory Covered (more is better)

‘Skill points’ can be used to purchase truck accessories in the workshop that can assist you in completing the next batch of objectives. These accessories include but not limited to the following:

Extra Lighting
Turbo Charger
Engine Air Filter
Extra Cargo Capacity + Trailers
Tire Deflation System
New trucks

Spoiler for HUD:

Spoiler for Gameplay Video:

Spoiler for Damage Gameplay Video:

Spoiler for Open Map beta Gameplay:

Why This Game Different ?

We think that Spintires is different from other driving titles because it offers unpredictability, re-playability and can run on a magnitude of PC configurations.

Throughout the development of Spintires, we have always considered the potential users. With that consideration in mind, we have been dedicated to ensure that Spintires will run on a wide range of PC configurations whilst providing the maximum graphics quality. As it stands it *could* even run on a mobile platform with some adjustments.

Ease-of-use is another consideration. We feel that it is an extremely important subject; we hope to keep menu screens, learning curves, and obnoxious superfluous mouse clicking to a minimum.

Should you decide to play the same objective more than once, you will notice that each time you play you will have a different experience. This is because every asset has its own physical property that can be interacted with, or deformed. Adding different truck accessories to your truck will change the experience slightly too, since each accessory has its own benefit or some could actually be a hindrance.

If you drive aggressively you will need to take the consequences that the vehicle will become stuck somewhere, or even topple over. Stop, think, and proceed is our motto.

Engine & Technology

Spintires utilizes a gaming engine called ‘VeeEngine’. The ‘VeeEngine’ has been built from the ground up specifically for Spintires and therefore has been optimised for this particular game genre.

The ‘VeeEngine’ features a unique and flexible VEHICLE/MUD/WATER interaction model that is very fast.

The mud interaction model is achieved by a solution that relies on vertex-texture-fetch technology. A low-resolution heightmap is substituted by a high-resolution heightmap; this is then procedurally deformed by any physical body that penetrates it.

The engine is written in C++ and utilizes ‘DirectX 9 technologies’ & 'Havok Physics Engine'. The structure of the game comprises of XML and LUA scripts that allows developers to create content with ease. It also allows ‘modding’ communities to make their own modifications.

Masih penasaran juga ? Silahkan download Demonya dan Mainkan.... emoticon-Angkat Beer

Spoiler for Link Demo:


Available on Steam at June 13, 2014


Spoiler for Screenshot:

Real Life Spintires

Spoiler for Real Life Spintires:

Official Site steam://openurl/http://www.spintires.com
Diubah oleh B4n6k3 24-06-2014 04:31
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Overall, udah kurang lebih 5 jam gua mainin game ini, ane coba kasih review sekomplit mungkin, klo ada kekurangan mohon kasih masukan.... emoticon-Angkat Beer

Spoiler for Hard Road Begin:

Sebelum kasih review, sekali lagi ini game yg butuh teknik dan kesabaran. Terutama point yang terakhir emoticon-Ngakak (S)dan sekali lagi gua reccomend lu lu main game ini pake Gamepad / Joystick atau Steering Controller semisal Logitech G27. Alesannya karena keyboard agak sulit dipakai untuk kontrol gas alias selalu full throttle. Sedangkan untuk posisi keluar dari lumpur, lu butuh kontrol throttle gas yang pelan sekali dan jauh lebih mudah dengan trigger button di controller atau Gas Pedal di Steering wheel.

Spoiler for Smart Drive or....:

tested in :
Notebook Alienware M17xR3
2630QM, GTX680M 4GB DDR5, 8GB Corsair Vengeance, 256GB SSD Kingston Performance Pro. Razer Onza Controller, Capture Media Fraps & NVIDIA Shadowplay.

Game Setting

Overall, Settingan system gue diatas masih ngangkat di rata kanan stabil di 60 FPS, tapi bagi yang agak berat, coba sesuaikan mulai dari Level of Detail dan Motion Blur. MSI afterburner bikin game ini crash di awal main, jadi mending dicoba pake Fraps atau Shadowplay untuk kontrol FPS sembari memainkan settingan.

Spoiler for In Game Setting:

Control Settings

Gua pribadi ngga punya Steering Controller, jadi yang ada cuma settingan keyboard dan kontroller XBOX 360. Overall ngga terlalu banyak button buat di setting, tapi, ketika in game, setiap mobil/truk punya karakter masing2 dan bisa diakses di menu advance. Exp : tidak semua mobil/truck punya 4WD Transmisi, atau Fitur menarik dimana truk kita yang memiliki crane sendiri bisa kita operasikan secara manual. Really-really Good Stuff emoticon-Angkat Beer

Review untuk Multiplayer feature akan dibahas terpisah.

Spoiler for Control Setting:


Prove you're really off roader by complete all of this.... emoticon-Big Grin

Spoiler for Achievement:


Sama yang udah dibahas di Page 1, gameplaynya mirip2 dengan kita main Euro Truck Simulator. Pick up dan delivery. Tentunya bensin yg kita punya pun terbatas, dan tentu damage control yang ngga kita liat di versi demo. Semakin cepat nganter barang, dengan damage yg minim, pendapatan yang didapat juga makin besar.

Spoiler for Load & Unload:

Spoiler for Manual Crane Dude.... ^^:

Yang pernah main Truck Simulator pasti tahu rasa sakitnya memposisikan trailer di tempat yang pas.... emoticon-NgakakDi game ini diperparah dengan mengatur Trailer di jalan yang berlumpur. Setiap muatan tergantung dengan trailer yang dibawa, jadi tidak semua jenis muatan bisa dibawa dengan satu tipe trailer. Ambil contoh, Trailer di SS diatas hanya bisa untuk bawa Medium Lumber, tidak bisa untuk bawa Long Logs atau yang Short. So Plan Carefully. Set up Vehicle bisa dilakukan di garage.

Spoiler for Prepare Everything:

Light Vehicle juga bisa berfungsi Seperti bengkel repair berjalan juga emoticon-Angkat Beer

Spoiler for Repair Portable 24 jam:


So far ada 5 map yang masing-masing punya challenge tersendiri, dan tiap2 map sizenya lumayan besar untuk dieksplorasi. Perlu diketahui, map di in gamenya sendiri lebih mirip seperti Map Game2 MMO, dimana daerah yg belum dieksplorasi akan tertutup oleh daerah2 gelap / hidden. Ini yang bikin tantangan dalam menentukan rute yg dipilih, karena kita ngga akan tahu rutenya sebelum kita eksplore dulu. Di awal game selalu disediakan Small vehicle, yang klo kata gue bermanfaat untuk scouting route yang akan dilalui sebelum kita membawa barang. Setelah semua rute dibuka, baru kita bisa setting navigasi kita sendiri dimana kita bisa tentukan rute mana yang bakal kita ambil.

Dan tentunya eksplorasi juga bakal membuka Garage-garage baru atau Lumber Loading Area yg terhidden, sehingga kita tidak perlu backtrack terlalu jauh.

Spoiler for MAP:

Difficulty Level

Casual dan Hardcore. Dimana untuk menu Hardcore option Rescue Dihilangkan, Time tidak bisa di skip, Option Per Axis Diff Lock tidak bisa diakses kalau kita jalan dengan transmisi matic, dan Fuel consumption yang lebih boros dibanding casual mode.

Spoiler for Difficulty Choice:

Transmission Selector and HUD Display

Masih secara general, Automatic dan Manual. Tapi pergantian Persnellingnya sendiri berbeda dengan game lain dimana biasanya kita cuma teken button langsung pindah gigi, Di game ini kita diharuskan buka Clutch terlebih dahulu baru diarahkan manual sendiri ke slot gearbox yang kita mau.

Untuk HUD Display sendiri ada tampilan tambahan dari versi demo seperti Fuel available, Fuel Consumption per minute, Damage Indicator, serta Winch Button.

Spoiler for Transmission Handling and HUD:


Masih belum tereksplore sama gue, dan butuh lebih banyak temen untuk maen bareng emoticon-Angkat Beerakan dibahas nanti kedepan. Yang pasti kita bisa create Lobby sendiri dengan kapasitas hingga 4 player. So far baru itu.

-Physics.... Oh yess..... emoticon-Malu (S)
-Hard but Addictive
-High Point of Replayability because of dynamic terrain.

- Camera.... emoticon-Cape d... (S)
Diubah oleh B4n6k3 13-06-2014 16:10