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Komunitas Pekerja Telekomunikasi Kaskus
Komunitas Pekerja Telco

۞ Komunitas Pekerja Telekomunikasi Kaskus ۞


  1. Buat yang pertama kali dateng, jangan lupa Isi Absen
  2. Dilarang Junk Ga Jelas, Absen pagi, siang, malam, ijin melintas, ijin memantau, numpang lewat harus disertai postingan yang lain
  3. No Triple Post, pake fasilitas Multi Quote!!
  4. Boleh memposting Job disini, usahakan memberikan penjelasan yg selengkap2nya, agar tidak mengecewakan bagi yg mau melamar.
  5. TS dan Penunggu disini selalu memberikan hadiah tak terduga bagi postingan yang berkualitas, seperti pengalaman dilapangan, ilmu2 telekomunikasi, dsb
  6. Jangan lupa ajak rekan Telco yang lain untuk bergabung disini.
  7. Lainnya menyusul, kalo ada saran silahkan PM TS nya, kita disini open

Link Job Telekomunikasi

  1. Telekomunikasi Dalam Negeri
  2. Warung Podjok Overseas

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۞ Komunitas Pekerja Telekomunikasi Kaskus ۞
۞ Komunitas Pekerja Telekomunikasi Kaskus ۞

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LOKER TELCO emoticon-Big Grin (Rekap dari post 70 sampe 84)

grg. dan ilhamassura69 memberi reputasi
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Lowongan Network Engineer- Datacomm Diangraha
silahkan langsung dibaca descriptionnya ya


Field Services Engineer- Network Management
• College Diploma / Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering, Software Engineering or similar
• Fresh graduate or 1-2 years working experience
• Working knowledge of UNIX operating system, preferably Solaris
• Familiarity in using one or more of these scripting or programming technologies in a UNIX environment: Apache, Awk, Bash, Bourne, CLI, Gcc, Java, Python, Regex, Tcl, Web Services (SOAP/XML)
• Working knowledge of basic communication protocols (SNMP, TCP/IP).
• Comfortable with RDBMS such as SQL, Sybase, Oracle, and familiar with DB concepts
• Familiarity with network management systems concept
• Experience in developing operational support systems in the world of telecommunication;
• Understanding of telecommunication technologies
• Knowledge of IP Technologies
• Strong communication and time management skills, prioritization of tasks, and the ability to handle ultimate accountability for customer satisfaction.
• Ability to learn quickly and to work in a fast paced and innovative environment, have self-education attitude

Field Services Engineer – Network Infrastructure
• Graduate from reputable university with GPA > 3.0
• Major in Electrical, Computer, Telecommunication Engineering
• Good understanding in networking technology and products such as routing, switching and security
• Associate level networking certification such as JNCIA or CCNA is preferable
• Fresh graduate or up to 2 years of working experience
• Passionate to learn, hardworking, a good team player and willing to travel all over Indonesia

Field Services Engineer - Network Security
• Graduated from reputable university majoring in Electrical or Telecommunication Engineering or Computer Science or Information Technology with min. GPA of 3.0.
• Experienced with OSI Layer and TCP/IP network is a must
• Experienced with BSD and Linux platform administration is a must
• Programming hands-on of PERL and BASH Scripting is a must
• Good knowledge with Firewall, IDS/IPS and VPN technology is a must
• Good knowledge Security Tools is a must (Network Reconnaissance, Vulnerability Scanning and Exploiting Framework)
• Good knowledge C programming, Assembly of x86 AT&T and Debugging analysis is advantages
• Hands-on with Systems/Networks and Web penetration testing is highly advantages
• Good knowledge with ISO/IEC 17799 and 27001 is highly advantages
• Experienced with Windows 2003/2008 Active Directory
• Good knowledge with VLAN and Network Subnet
• Passionate to learn, hardworking, good team player and willing to travel all over Indonesia

Please send your complete documents to hrd@datacomm.co.id
Complete documents as follow:
1. Curriculum Vitae & updated photograph
2. Copy of Academic Transcript & certificate
3. Copy of Identification Card
4. Copy of Training Certificate (if any)