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Komunitas Pekerja Telekomunikasi Kaskus

Komunitas Pekerja Telekomunikasi Kaskus
Komunitas Pekerja Telco


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GTL Limited, a Global Group enterprise, is a leading Network Services company, offering services and solutions to address the Network Life Cycle requirements of Telecom Carriers and Technology providers (OEMs).
GTLs consolidated revenues for FY 2008-09 ending March 31, 2009 stood at Rs. 1945.09 Crores (US$ 402.63 Mn). Today GTL executes projects across 44 countries and has built over 70 cellular networks.
Global Holding Corporation Pvt. Ltd. is the holding company of Global Group that has 7 operating companies, two of which are listed on Indian Stock Exchanges.
The Group has Operations across 44 countries, Revenues in excess of US $622 million FY 09 and Balance sheet size of over US $2 Billion. It employs more than 25,000 professionals of 22 nationalities and supports 18 social causes.
For over 2 decades Global Group has been partnering with leading telecom operators and OEMs offering its expertise in wireless communications. From 2G Networks to 3G and 4G, from WiMAX to IPTV, Global Group provides complete life-cycle solutions around Network Services. The services include Network Planning and Design, Network Deployment, Network Operations and Maintenance, Infrastructure Management, Energy Management and Professional services.
Due to expansion of our Telecom business to Major Client in Indonesia, we are seeking highly motivated individuals :
Preventive Maintenance (PM) Technician
(Jakarta Raya)
* To assist PM Engineer to do Preventive Maintenance (PM) for BTS, Microwave Link, Rectifier & Battery, Generator Set
* Site visit for visual check the condition of BTS/MW equipment and all cabling related.
* Capturing the BTS and MW link
* Check and test the rectifier and battery
* Check and test the grounding system
* Visual check for Tower and all antennas installed
* Check permanent generator set, do refueling (if necessary)
* Coordinate to all tower operator for entry the shared-site
* Work in safety condition with sufficient Personal Safety Device.
* Report to Zone Manager
* Diploma in IT, Telecommunication, Electrical or Technical Senior High School
* Male (single is preferred) with handling the A and C driving license
* Having 1 years experience on BSS subsystem installation for Diploma or 3 years experience for Technical Senior High School
* Good knowledge on Huawei or ZTE product is an advantage
* Good knowledge on Troubleshooting for BTS, Microwave link, Rectifier and Battery
* capable to operated BER test, VSWR test, Grounding test, Voltage & Ampere test, Site Master test is the advantage
* Computer literate
If you meet above requirements and wish to join with us, please send your comprehensive resume, CV and current photograph to:
To :
GTLs consolidated revenues for FY 2008-09 ending March 31, 2009 stood at Rs. 1945.09 Crores (US$ 402.63 Mn). Today GTL executes projects across 44 countries and has built over 70 cellular networks.
Global Holding Corporation Pvt. Ltd. is the holding company of Global Group that has 7 operating companies, two of which are listed on Indian Stock Exchanges.
The Group has Operations across 44 countries, Revenues in excess of US $622 million FY 09 and Balance sheet size of over US $2 Billion. It employs more than 25,000 professionals of 22 nationalities and supports 18 social causes.
For over 2 decades Global Group has been partnering with leading telecom operators and OEMs offering its expertise in wireless communications. From 2G Networks to 3G and 4G, from WiMAX to IPTV, Global Group provides complete life-cycle solutions around Network Services. The services include Network Planning and Design, Network Deployment, Network Operations and Maintenance, Infrastructure Management, Energy Management and Professional services.
Due to expansion of our Telecom business to Major Client in Indonesia, we are seeking highly motivated individuals :
Preventive Maintenance (PM) Technician
(Jakarta Raya)
* To assist PM Engineer to do Preventive Maintenance (PM) for BTS, Microwave Link, Rectifier & Battery, Generator Set
* Site visit for visual check the condition of BTS/MW equipment and all cabling related.
* Capturing the BTS and MW link
* Check and test the rectifier and battery
* Check and test the grounding system
* Visual check for Tower and all antennas installed
* Check permanent generator set, do refueling (if necessary)
* Coordinate to all tower operator for entry the shared-site
* Work in safety condition with sufficient Personal Safety Device.
* Report to Zone Manager
* Diploma in IT, Telecommunication, Electrical or Technical Senior High School
* Male (single is preferred) with handling the A and C driving license
* Having 1 years experience on BSS subsystem installation for Diploma or 3 years experience for Technical Senior High School
* Good knowledge on Huawei or ZTE product is an advantage
* Good knowledge on Troubleshooting for BTS, Microwave link, Rectifier and Battery
* capable to operated BER test, VSWR test, Grounding test, Voltage & Ampere test, Site Master test is the advantage
* Computer literate
If you meet above requirements and wish to join with us, please send your comprehensive resume, CV and current photograph to:
To :