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Komunitas Pekerja Telekomunikasi Kaskus
Komunitas Pekerja Telco


- Buat yang pertama kali dateng, jangan lupa Isi Absen
- Dilarang Junk Ga Jelas, Absen pagi, siang, malam, ijin melintas, ijin memantau, numpang lewat harus disertai postingan yang lain
- No Triple Post, pake fasilitas Multi Quote!!
- Boleh memposting Job disini, usahakan memberikan penjelasan yg selengkap2nya, agar tidak mengecewakan bagi yg mau melamar.
- TS dan Penunggu disini selalu memberikan hadiah tak terduga bagi postingan yang berkualitas, seperti pengalaman dilapangan, ilmu2 telekomunikasi, dsb
- Jangan lupa ajak rekan Telco yang lain untuk bergabung disini.
- Lainnya menyusul, kalo ada saran silahkan PM TS nya, kita disini open
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Rot 10
Lowongan pt. Indonesian cloud
Indonesian Cloud ([url]www.indonesiancloud.com[/url]) is the leading provider of high quality, innovative technology and compliance solutions for cloud computing services providers. We take a strategic, consultative and customized approach to the selection, implementation and management of technology. Now we want to challenge you to join us. Our vacancies are:
Junior Cloud Computing Application Developer (JCCAD)
who have the responsibility for the development and self-test of cloud-based application.
Experience and Education requirements:
Bachelors or Undergraduate degree or in Computer science, Management of Information Systems, of equivalent work experience required.
At least 1 year experience with web development project(s).
Good knowledge of PHP and MySQL
Strong knowledge of (X)HTML, and CSS
Good knowledge of AJAX is preferable
Having a good understanding of Multi-Tenant Data Architecture
Having experience on Reporting Service (i.e. Crystal Report) would be an advantage.
Junior Cloud Computing Engineer (JCCE)
who have the responsibility for the operational, design, testing, and deployment of advanced VMWare and enterprise server based computing services and ensures the quality and timely delivery of large, complex and or/ high priority projects for these service.
Experience and Education requirements:
At least 1 year experience with VMWare design and related technical projects.
Bachelors or Undergraduate degree or in Computer science, Management of Information Systems, of equivalent work experience required.
Deep understanding of IP Network technology, LAN and WAN routing, including VLANs, VPN connectivity, class of service / quality of service, and access control lists.
CCNA, CCIA, CCEE, of CCEA Citrix Certification required, and / or MCSE certification preferred.
Strong knowledge of Windows Platform and applications, VMWare and Citrix Virtual Infrastructures, Desktops, Servers, Hardware and end-user applications.
Strength in ensuring process adherence and suggesting improvements to processes
Proven ability to trouble shoot and administer large, complex system
Deep understanding of Ms. Active Directory, Group Policy, NTFS permissions
General Obligations:
Think clearly and abstractly, in high-pressure situations, to resolve critical issues. Adapt response to a given situation and appropriately articulate technical language with the customer, internal, and external
Communicate in a clear, concise and professional manner. Timely communication of concerns and issues that may affect the production environment, project schedule and/ or end user acceptance
Perform tasks with minimal direction from management. Be flexible and willing to work off-hours. Respond to critical events after business hours as dictated by client needs.
Troubleshoot issues with existing or developed systems, and work with the appropriate resources to resolve them. Perform and assist others with root cause analysis and reporting. Collaborate and consult with key technical staff to design solutions that meet business requirements. May be asked to work with vendors to evaluate products and solutions that might improve or enhance the services provided by the team.
Stay current on new technology and propose ideas to the team and management that improve efficiency or effectiveness. Maintain and increase knowledge and proficiency of appropriate technicial competencies.
Ability to facilitate technical presentations to technical, non technical, and executive audiences if requested
Ability to multitask and work as team or individual contributor
Demonstrated passion for excellence and impeccability while interacting with clients and business executives, and delivering solutions to meet their needs.
Proven problem solving, Conceptual thinking, and analytical abilities.
Ability to deal courteously and communicate effectively with clients and team members, supplying general information and direction in a clear, concise manner
Work under stress to meet schedule deadlines. Ability to execute on the day task necessary to achieve outlined objectives.
Send complete application, current CV & Photograph to :
Khusus Member CDC FTUI kirimkan CV & Transcript ke :
Cara Mengetik Subjek Email:
Username_Nama Anda_Posisi_Nama Perusahaan
(Contoh : 5985_ Eswarien Aster_JCCE_INDONESIANCLOUD)
Before, SEPTEMBER 2nd 2011