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Komunitas Pekerja Telekomunikasi Kaskus
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۞ Komunitas Pekerja Telekomunikasi Kaskus ۞


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Graduate Development Program - Information Systems
PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) operates a coal mine in Sangatta East Kalimantan and is one of the largest export coal mines in the world.

Opportunity exists for a seasoned, high caliber, professional to join the Company with job Assignment in Sengata-East Kalimantan for the positions of:

Graduate Development Program - Information Systems
(Kalimantan Timur)

• Support & troubleshoot data centre and related services (file servers, email servers, utility servers, application servers, etc).
• Support & troubleshoot ERP systems (Ellipse, Sun Systems, Mainpac, Gosoft, etc)
• Support & troubleshoot HRMS/Payroll system
• Support & troubleshoot Hyperion systems (Interactive Reporting, Budget & Planning, Consolidation)
• Conducting IT risk assessment
• Developing and socialising IT policies and procedures
• Preparing and drafting IT service contracts.
• Managing IT service quality and contractor performance


Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication) or equivalent.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Not older than 25 years (for S1) or 28 years (for S2) of age in the year of admittance.
Possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 grade scale (for S1) or 3.25 on a 4.0 grade scale (for S2)

If your background meets these requirements, forward your resume (including details of present positions & remuneration and your latest color photograph) no later than 10 days after the date of this advertisement to the following address:

Superintendent Recruitment
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
PO Box 620 Balikpapan 76106 Kalimantan Timur
Or E-mail : recruitment@kpc.co.id