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Miniatur Schnauzer Lovers raise your hand!!!

2.KONTROVERSI WHITE SCHNAUZER, Bolehkah Berpartisipasi dalam Dogshow??
[URL=""]3.Schnauzer Lovers Indonesia on Facebook[/URL]Join this group please!!!
4.Trimming The Show Miniature Schnauzer

Miniatur Schnauzer Lovers raise your hand!!!
:maho :maho

Kalau anda menginginkan anjing yang :

* berukuran kecil dan kekar, tapi juga anggun dan ringan dalam melangkah
* berbulu tebal tetapi tidak banyak rontok, dan muka berjanggut dengan ekspresi bijaksana
* Tipe anjing penjaga tapi juga sopan
* dapat bersosialisasi dengan binatang lain di keluarga anda

maka.. Miniature Schnauzer mungkin tepat untuk anda emoticon-Big Grinemoticon-Big Grin

Tapi.. kalau anda tidak mau direpotkan dengan:

* Menyediakan waktu untuk olahraga dan beraktivitas agar miniature schnauzer anda ada kegiatan
* Mudah curiga (waspada) atau malah terlalu malu2 bila tidak disosialisasikan dengan baik
* Suka menantang binatang lain -- memiliki insting berburu yang kuat
* Keras Kepala
* Suka menggonggong
* Memotong dan merapikan bulunya secara teratur

maka.. Miniature Schnauzer bukan trah yang tepat untuk anda emoticon-Big Grin

untuk lebih mengenal trah ini.. silahkan baca2 lebih lanjut, sekali anda memelihara miniature schnauzer, anda akan jatuh cinta terhadap trah ini emoticon-Big Grinemoticon-Big Grin

benar begitu saudara2???
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Information on AKC Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer Breed Standard
Terrier Group

Penampilan Umum
Miniature Schnauzer adalah anjing terier yang gagah dan aktif, dalam hal penampilan, tingkat kewaspadaan dan sifat aktifnya, menyerupai sepupunya yang lebih besar, Standard Schnauzer.Faults - Type - Toyishness, ranginess or coarseness.

Ukuran, Proporsi, Substance
Ukuran : 12 - 14 inchi. Dibentuk dari tulang yang kokoh, hampir berbentuk kotak secara proporsi panjang dan tinggi. [/I]

Mata - Kecil, coklat tua, dalam. Berbentuk oval dengan ekspresi tajam. Faults - Mata yang terang, besar dan menonjol. Telinga - Bila di crop, bentuk dan panjang akan sama dengan ujung runcing. Harus seimbang dengan kepala dan tidak terlalu panjang. Bila tidak di crop, telinga berbentuk V kecil dan menutup ke tengkorak.
Kepala kuat, lebarnya meramping dari telinga ke mata, meramping lagi hingga ke ujung hidung. Dahi tanpa kerutan, tengkorak atas datar dan panjang. Moncong kuat berujung tumpul dengan janggut tebal yang menjadi titikberat bentuk kepalanya. Faults - Kepala yang kasar dan tebal. Gigi menggunting. Faults - Bite - Undershot or overshot jaw.Level bite.

Neck, Topline, Body

Leher - kuat dan berbentuk lengkungan hingga ke pundak badan pendek dan tegap dengan dada membentang hingga ke siku. Punggung lurus. Keseluruhan panjang dari dada ke pantat terlihat sama dengan tinggi pundak.Faults - Dada terlalu lebar atau atau terlalu sempit.
Ekor tinggi dan berdiri. Untuk Standard AKC, ekor di potong, tetapi di Eropa dilarang. Fault - Ekor yang terlalu rendah.

Kaki Depan
Kaki lurus dan sejajar dilihat dari sudut manapun. Bertumit seperti kuda dan bertulang bagus. Fault - Loose elbows.

The sloping shoulders are muscled, yet flat and clean. They are well laid back, so that from the side the tips of the shoulder blades are in a nearly vertical line above the elbow. The tips of the blades are placed closely together. They slope forward and downward at an angulation which permits the maximum forward extension of the forelegs without binding or effort. Both the shoulder blades and upper arms are long, permitting depth of chest at the brisket.

Feet short and round (cat feet) with thick, black pads. The toes are arched and compact.

Kaki Belakang
The hindquarters have strong-muscled, slanting thighs. They are well bent at the stifles. There is sufficient angulation so that, in stance, the hocks extend beyond the tail. The hindquarters never appear overbuilt or higher than the shoulders. The rear pasterns are short and, in stance, perpendicular to the ground and, when viewed from the rear, are parallel to each other. Faults - Sickle hocks, cow hocks, open hocks or bowed hindquarters.

Double, with hard, wiry, outer coat and close undercoat. The head, neck, ears, chest, tail, and body coat must be plucked. When in show condition, the body coat should be of sufficient length to determine texture. Close covering on neck, ears and skull. Furnishings are fairly thick but not silky. Faults - Coat too soft or too smooth and slick in appearance.

Warna yang diakui adalah Salt n Pepper, Black n Silver dan Solid Black. Untuk semua warna, pigmen kulit harus seragam, tanpa ada bercak2 putih atau pink yang muncul dimanapun juga.

Miniatur Schnauzer Lovers raise your hand!!!

Salt and Pepper -The typical salt and pepper color of the topcoat results from the combination of black and white banded hairs and solid black and white unbanded hairs, with the banded hairs predominating. Acceptable are all shades of salt and pepper, from light to dark mixtures with tan shadings permissible in the banded or unbanded hair of the topcoat. In salt and pepper dogs, the salt and pepper mixture fades out to light gray or silver white in the eyebrows, whiskers, cheeks, under throat, inside ears, across chest, under tail, leg furnishings, and inside hind legs. It may or may not also fade out on the underbody. However, if so, the lighter underbody hair is not to rise higher on the sides of the body than the front elbows.

Miniatur Schnauzer Lovers raise your hand!!!

Black and Silver -The black and silver generally follows the same pattern as the salt and pepper. The entire salt and pepper section must be black. The black color in the topcoat of the black and silver is a true rich color with black undercoat. The stripped portion is free from any fading or brown tinge and the underbody should be dark.

Miniatur Schnauzer Lovers raise your hand!!!

Black - Black is the only solid color allowed. Ideally, the black color in the topcoat is a true rich glossy solid color with the undercoat being less intense, a soft matting shade of black. This is natural and should not be penalized in any way. The stripped portion is free from any fading or brown tinge. The scissored and clippered areas have lighter shades of black. A small white spot on the chest is permitted, as is an occasional single white hair elsewhere on the body.
Disqualifications - Color solid white or white striping, patching, or spotting on the colored areas of the dog, except for the small white spot permitted on the chest of the black.

The body coat color in salt and pepper and black and silver dogs fades out to light gray or silver white under the throat and across the chest. Between them there exists a natural body coat color. Any irregular or connecting blaze or white mark in this section is considered a white patch on the body, which is also a disqualification.

The trot is the gait at which movement is judged. When approaching, the forelegs, with elbows close to the body, move straight forward, neither too close nor too far apart. Going away, the hind legs are straight and travel in the same planes as the forelegs.

Note - It is generally accepted that when a full trot is achieved, the rear legs continue to move in the same planes as the forelegs, but a very slight inward inclination will occur. It begins at the point of the shoulder in front and at the hip joint in the rear. Viewed from the front or rear, the legs are straight from these points to the pads. The degree of inward inclination is almost imperceptible in a Miniature Schnauzer that has correct movement. It does not justify moving close, toeing in, crossing, or moving out at the elbows.

Viewed from the side, the forelegs have good reach, while the hind legs have strong drive, with good pickup of hocks. The feet turn neither inward nor outward.

Faults - Single tracking, sidegaiting, paddling in front, or hackney action. Weak rear action.

The typical Miniature Schnauzer is alert and spirited, yet obedient to command. He is friendly, intelligent and willing to please. He should never be overaggressive or timid.

Miniatur Schnauzer Lovers raise your hand!!!

Dogs or bitches under 12 inches or over 14 inches.
Color solid white or white striping, patching, or spotting on the colored areas of the dog, except for the small white spot permitted on the chest of the black. The body coat color in salt and pepper and black and silver dogs fades out to light gray or silver white under the throat and across the chest. Any irregular or connecting blaze or white mark in this section is considered a white patch on the body, which is also a disqualification.