cowo pendiem di real life? no biggie. tp pendiem buangetttttttt pas sm cw yg dia suka, hello? trus tar pas jalan, ngmgin apaan? wkakakakaka ya maksud ane gan, pendiem sih sah2 aja, tp kalo lg sm cw yg lu deketin, ya tau tempat lah kpn harus berusaha mulai obrolan dan kapan bole diem :D
cowo idaman itu yg kaya hugh jackman :kiss :kiss :kiss hahahahahah ga lah, cowo idaman itu cowo yg pinter dan tau cara memperlakukan cw selayaknya gentleman. ilfeel bgt sm cowo (sorry) yg ga smart. kalo ga smart, trus pas ngobrol, mau ngmgin apaan? idih, jauh2 deh cowo yg wawasannya sempit :D
suka2 aja. apa yg salah dgn cowo berkacamata? yg pnting kan cara dia memperlakukan cw, gentleman ga? trus pinter ga? mslh kacamata atau ga, nomor sekian lah :D
tatonya segede apa ya? sekujur tubuh? jaikakakaka kalo sekujur tubuh sih gue mikir jugaaaaaaaa tapi kalo cuma di bbrp tmpat, why not? balik lg, cowo mah yg pnting klakuannya dulu deh, kalo uda klik mah, fisik urusan kesekian :D
seneng lahhhhhhhhhhhh hahahah :kiss jd tambah menggairahkan ngeliat cowo yg main sm anak kecil hahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
jiakakaka trgantung nih masbrow. hmmmm kalo dikejer terus, bisa aja sih jadi suka malah. kaya dulu g sm mantan jg gtu, dikejer terus akirnya jd suka juga. tp itu dgn kondisi dia deketinnya pinter sih. nah kalo org yg dketin terusssss tapi badak (ga tau malu dan ga banget deketinnya) ya ogah, dketin
gpp lah cliche dikit nanya, td masuk skolah ga? ya namanya jg pdkt :D abis tu br ngmgin hobby yg sama. jgn malu, namanya jg pdkt, :D
cowo mutusin cw? ya gpp sih slama alasannya masuk akal dan dilakuinnya secara gentleman. jlasin alasannya dgn jelas, jujur, trus lakuin face to face dan pastiin cw itu bisa terima penjelasan ente.
Suppose I said I am on my best behavior And there are times I lose my worried mind Would you want me when I'm not myself? Wait it out while I am someone else? Suppose I said Colors change for no good reason And words will go From poetry to prose Would you want me when I'm not myself? Wait it out ...
been through this. menyesal bgt lupain sahabat slm pacaran. in the end, when boyfriend became exboyfriend, bestfriends are always there.
:kr This is more than the typical kinda thing Felt the jones in my bones when you were touching me, uh oh Didn't wanna take it slow In a daze, going crazy, I can barely think You're replaying in my brain, find it hard to sleep, uh oh Waiting for my phone to blow See, I've been waiting all day For
moved on, moved on, moved on because of stuffs that happened yesterday and today! hahahahha :selamat:selamat:selamat:peluk:peluk:selamat:selamat:selamat i have a wonderful life :iloveindonesias
recover soon dad, I love you :) be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it. you really mighy get it. be strong sia. don't be the third wheel in someone other's relationship. for your own conscience. cause you know how hurt it feels like,rite? :)
no need to be overwhelmed by his chat, he's happy now with his way..good then.. If I took that offer(going out), it will only make me a bad girl. cause I know he won't tell that girl about it rite? then in this case, I will be the bad girl, I will ruin someone's relationship. and I won't do that, c
papa masi blm sembuh bgt. khawatir. pengen ke RS, tp hrs jaga toko sampe sore. sedih. God bless Him. skrg hrs smangat. inget,sjak 29 oktober, uda bgitu byk kjadian berat yg hrs g alamin brsamaan dgn kjadian itu. dr ngumpulin skripsi 1-3, trus sidang magang, UTS, sidang skripsi, papa operasi, trus g
papa operasi. stress,sedih.khawatir.pasti bersyukur kok papa sadar,dan bs makan dll,smoga aja pemulihannya cepet.. hmm..lemes,tp hrs bersyukur:) kl liat bbrp minggu k blkg,g sadar byk bgt yg uda g pelajarin. kdg emank ya,tekanan itu dtgnya barengan. mulai dr deadline bab satu sampe tiga sk...