wahh menarik nih.. ada beberapa kepercayaan yg mirip" kapan-kapan ts bahas Asterix dan Obelisk :D asterix = astarot obelix = obelisk hedeh membingungkan ini :D
perdjalanannja sampai dengan wilajah jang djadi negara maroko saat ini Moengkin nanti boeng TS akan melengkapi ataoe memboeat oelasan sendiri tentang hanno the navigator :thumbup kirain sampai pantai gading deket bgt klo cuma maroko :nohope:
venesia = phoenicia :hammers kalo ga salah bangsa fenisia ini jg disebut kananite. pengikutnya jazebel jg gue rasa descendant summer :hammers
hilmico ini sedjaman kah dengan hanno.....? sama sama navigator dan dari kartago djoega hanja kalaoe tidak salah hanno menoedjoe afrika... wew nice inpho gan mmg kartago terkenal sbg bangsa pedagang dan pelayar kalo boleh tau hanno berlayar sampai mana pesisir afrika?
https://res.cloudinary.com/dk-find-out/image/upload/q_70,c_pad,w_1200,h_630,f_auto/MA_00179351_maagfo.jpg https://dl.kaskus.id/w.mawebcenters.com/static/ecommerce/87/87868/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/f/i/file_1_4.jpg
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/32/Trireme_cut-fr.svg/1024px-Trireme_cut-fr.svg.png penampang trireme :o
pelajaran sejarah dijaman sekarang nampaknya sudah ga menarik buat generasi milenial :o ga usah bawa bawa generasi gan kalo ente sendiri yg blangsak :o
The Spencer 1860 was an American lever action rifle. Designed by Christopher Spencer, the Spencer was the world's first military repeating rifle, with over 200,000 examples of the Spencer produced in the United States by three manufacturers between 1860 and 1869. The Spencer repeating rifle was a...
The original design was a single-shot. The design was updated in 1884 with an 8-round tubular magazine designed by Alfred von Kropatschek, making this Germany's first repeating rifle. This version was designated the Gewehr 1871/84. A version of this repeater was adopted by the Ottoman Empire.
The rifle was also equipped with a detachable sheet-steel, 10-round, double-column magazine, a very modern development in its day. Originally, the concept of a detachable magazine was opposed in some British Army circles, as some feared that the private soldier might be likely to lose the magazin...
The matchlock appeared in Europe in the mid-15th century (the matchlock was obsolete around 1700 in Europe), with the idea of a serpentine appearing in an Austrian manuscript. The first dated illustration of a matchlock mechanism dates to 1475 (making it the first firearm with a trigger) and by t...
Laptop tipis tanpa dvdrw, budget max 5jt. Kebutuhan buat office, game paling csgo online. Buat mobile, desktop pc dah ada. ultrabook baru diomongin lg hits keknya :shakehand sbg perbandingan daya procie laptop gue 35W desktop 65W
beracun katanya itu gan jgn bongkar sendiri? ultrabook itu sub notebook high end tanpa optical ya :bingungs
dgn kata lain galley punah karena gun powder. age of row berakhir di ujung meriam krn kapal harus lebih lincah mengarahkan broadside nya.
Galleys were the warships used by the early Mediterranean naval powers, including the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. They remained the dominant types of vessels used for war and piracy in the Mediterranean Sea until the last decades of the 16th century. As warships, galleys carried various types...