J-Rocks - Spirit Just spread all of your wings, and always chase your dreams leave all the pain and make our life begin and when it seems to be hard to live in our ways but we must go on and always struggling to make all of our dreams come true
FOR KHUN ..... P'Unk_en_Ciel "Raptor " was young boy duo artists during the 90's in Thailand. At that time they were very young about the age of 12 -13 They released their songs in 1994 which there were many hit songs among the Thai teenagers during those years. Joni An...
agan2 udah pada tau blum klo ada artis Thailand yang ternyata keturunan Indonesia. Mereka adalah Joni dan Anan Anwar Joni Anwar Joni Anwar a.k.a Joni Raptor (lahir 30 Agustus 1981) adalah seorang penyanyi dan pemeran Thailand. Ia dilahirkan di Bangkok dan memiliki keturunan Indonesia dan Skotla...
gan, udah ada yg pernah nonton film "Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives" ga? soalnya ni film banyak dapet penghargaan gitu. kayanya film ini bagus. tapi dari review2 yg ane baca, film ini rada berat gitu ceritanya
film Thailand yg udah ane tonton Nang Nak 13 Beloved 303 Fear Faith Revenge 4bia 6:66 Death Happen 999-9999 Phobia 2 Alone ATM Bangkok Knockout Bangkok Traffic Love Story Best of Times Body #19 Buppah Rathree Cadaver Citizen Dog the Coffin Crazy Little Thing Called Love Dark Water Dear Galileo Fa...
I've also watched Jan Dara that starring Suwinit Panjamawat & Christy Chung :malus Mario Maurer as Jan Dara? wow, sounds interesting..