PT Infratech Indonesia PT. Infratech Indonesia, one of PMA Company that operates in BTS construction in Jakarta is looking for young potential & professional candidates for position: Engineer Telecommunication Jakarta Raya Requirements: Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelo
ID Kaskus : indra_uhuii Lokasi : Jakarta Keahlian / Pekerjaan : Freelance Project - Installation, Commissioning, Trouble Shooting (BTS & MW). Y! : Buat exs Gunadarma Teknik Elektro - Telekomunikasi Salam Kenal yaa...( e'97) _Udah Cape Kerja di MainKon, Mending main Bor
Permisi agan2 telco ers ane mau ikutan boleh kan ID Kaskus : gabe16 Lokasi : Bandung Keahlian / Pekerjaan : DT Engineer - Project Engineer Huawei G-Talk : :beer: Wah..ini Mr. Dipo Gabe orang Huawei Project NTK Bandung absen disini juga ya.? Saya ngerjain dari sebelum p