\n\nThe rage is very powerful in this one, but apparently your lust for black penis is much stronger.\nWhich will destroy you first? Infantile rage, or repressed,absurd homosexual fury?\n\nOnce again,you have proven nothing about me\nJog on,cunt
\n\nI don't need your help,learn how to write before you try to help someone\n\n\n\nnice logic you got there..\n\n\n\napparently blind people can read right? at least that's what you told me\n\n\n\nDo you know what's the diffe...
\n\n\n\nTard, don't start spamming your oversized text here. If you need a penis enlargement, go get a pump, that's what normal people do.
\n\nWell done, your comeback pointed out clearly that you have nothing left, I can see bright failures in your future
\n\n\n\n\nLike i give a fuck? what matters for me is the real world.....and i never said anything about pages,learn how to read idiot..\n\nAnd..your last 2 posts contradict with each other..your contradictory idiocy..proven for all to see\n\nnow who's the ...
\n\nWell as a matter of fact,I'm hated by few,loved by many,so your single hate against me..it means nothing.
\n\nDraw your own conclusions, but calling me a "no life" is incredibly stupid,especially since you know nothing about me, and that,leads me to believe that you're trash\n\n\n\nOh yes,you should take care of yourself,your disease,called "stupidity"...
\n\nDon't compare me with your kind,you were born as an idiot and will always be an idiot, there is no way you have anything else in that shit-infested thinktank
You're nothing but another post we all scroll past as we attempt to find something worth reading...at the end of the day,you're still nothing but an idiot
\n\nYou think that i actually lived at Jambi? :gila:\n\n\n\n\nI think you're not too intelligent since you can't come up with any other form of degrading something. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you had not finished off High School. Maybe you'r...