permisi sepuh regional perth ane mau bantuin temen nih iklanin dia ada kamar kosong untuk di sewakan details: 2 rooms available for rent in EDGEWATER 8 minute walk to train station must be clean and tidy prefer working couple or student couple $200 per couple $140 maybe considered for a single
ada penginpannya gan?? infonya donk harus nyebrang ga ke pulau itu? tertarik neh pengen kesna thanks infonya gan
gan boleh tau ga cara nge apply visa fiance ke australia tunangan gw australia citizen kalo ada yg tau monta infonya yah terima kasih
please help me about info iphone mobile\ni read in shop iphone in USA about they have prices 8gb 3g starting $99 and 16gb 3gs about $199 starting\nits right or not??\nif friends here already buy the phone or know where can found the phone in USA in chicago illinois can u tell me?\...
please help me about info iphone mobile \ni read in shop iphone in USA about they have prices 8gb 3g starting $99 and 16gb 3gs about $199 starting \nits right or not??\nif friends here already buy the phone or know where can found the phone in USA in chicago illinois can u tell me? ...
\n\nbro gw denger iphone ada keluaran terbaryu yah??\n8gb 3g= $99\n16gb 3gs = $199\n\nbener ga sih tuh bro??\nkalo bener bisa belinya di usa dimana yah?/\n\ncos gw nmau nitip ma laki gw bro
kan kata nya kalo negara asean ga perlu buat visa lagi nah pas gw di check di bandara indonesia or di banadara di thailand ny??\ntrus yg di periksa apa aja??\ngw bawa document lain ga buat di periksa?\nkalo ada yg tau share yah please