ada yang ngalamin inventory bug? selain VPN bisa cara lain gak ya? pake vpn ping nya ancur walopun vpn indo Yes. There is inventory bug in PUBG which is not allowing the items added in the bag. No ammo no guns in the bag.
Here are some great Live tv addon for Kodi. By installing these addons on Kodi, you will get access to Live tv. You can see the list of best live tv add-ons for kodi here.
If you are a Kodi user who wanted to watch live tv on your Kodi device, here are best kodi live tv add-ons 2017 list. Using these LIVE TV add-ons, you can watch live tv on your Kodi device.
Get any media player that runs on Android and then install kodi on it. You would get all the great entertainment right on your big tv. Kodi is nothing without add-ons. Here are some live tv addons for kodi that you can install to enjoy unlimited entertainment experience.