Agan-agan sekalian, Request buku ini dong :D The Great Conversation: A Historical introduction to Philosophy by Norman Melchert Introduction to Statistical Inference (Springer Texts in Statistics) by Jack C. Kiefer, Gary Lorden Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Science of the Mind by Jos...
iya gan, haha thanks masukannya, :D kemaren ane ribet cari buku format kindle, karena baca pdf kurang nyaman di kindle, (meskipun bisa rotate) tapi ane udah nemu solusinya, pdf langsung ke format mobi :D
Halo agan-agan, ane mau gabung, hhe, baru aja dapet kindle 3 :D ane ada beberapa pertanyaan buat agan-agan kindle bisa buat social media ga? misalnya twitter bisa buat game ga? kalo bisa gimana caranya? hhe, masih newbie di dunia per-kindlean :D