Cak/Ning nek onok kenalan adik kelas elektro trus berminat lowongan kerja kontrak 2 tahun posisi electrical engineer neng PT. Pertamina EP Asset 4 Surabaya. Syarat min. pengalaman kerjo 4 thn. Nek berminat CV iso langsung dikirim neng emailku opo neng
Mudah mudahan bermanfaat.  PT. Inti Brunel Teknindo provides specialist personnel to the international oil & gas, petrochemical, power generation and construction industries. Our clients are predominantly major operating companies and international engineering or construction companies. W
Airswift looking for various position for EPC Project based in Jakarta and Balikpapan from Engineer to Manager position. Please send your CV to with your position as subject and your active contact number on email. Good luck
Manpower Requirement for Drilling Rig. Location: Offshore East & West Malaysia, Offshore Singapore. Duration: 1 year +1 year ETA Start: 01.01.2019 Position: Key Personel (Scheduled 28/28) 1 Offshore Installation Manager - 2 pax 2 Tool Pusher - 4 pax 3 Driller - 4 pax 4 Asst. Driller - 4 pax
PETRONAS - Current Jobs Openings The following jobs are currently OPEN for application: Executive (Petrophysics) - Exploration Technology (ET) Executive - Wells engineering Executive - Geology Manager - Production Technology ht
We have an urgent openings for one of our prestigious client for SAUDI ARABIA Location. Our details: Sofomation is an international recruitment agency with deep specialization and expertise in organizing worldwide recruitment drives. We have successfully hosted numerous drives globally. We expert...
Maaf numpang tanya, saya mengambil judul TA tentang analisa core, kira-kira perusahaan untuk TA analisa core tuh dimana ya? Atau perusahaan migas yang bisa dijadikan tempat TA, masih bingung belum dapat perusahaan TA coba cari info di service company yang menyediakan jasa analisa core, seperti Cor
Bantu jawab, ane pernah di tawarin basic salary QAR 3200, take home pay total QAR 6500. Terus nanya sama temen yg pernah gawe di Qatar 9 tahun, kata senior "klo buat saya itu Kurang karena bawa keluarga 2 anak dan istri dan tinggal di Doha" Nah, agan bisa analisa dulu tuh. klo hasil ana
Agan kulilumpur, adnoc ini rotasi atau kerja kantoran 5 hari kerja? refinery setau saya tidak rotasi... tapi kenyataannya saya sering ketemu teman2 yang mudik beberapa bulan sekali...keluarga tidak diajak ke UAE. Ada juga yang bawa keluarga.