dear Sir/Sist ;) About Benjut -benjut di kepala : Bruise -benjut di Perut : Pregnant (usually for 9 month 10days ) :p -benjut di hidung : Pimple
Lapor MJ, FR Reg. Lampung :o Penggalangan Dana Untuk Ahmad Sandori Kaskus Reg. Lampung Goes to Gathering Akbar Kaskus Reg. Palembang
thanks brother i'm fine but, my head a little dizzy :( coz today, I hav'nt received my salaries (cendol) ;) yes brother,,, i'm very fine2 ,,, :D I hope you successfully and complete your midtest :o
today's work plan: - completed the job last week ;) (Fan's of The Delayed Work) - then fell asleep at the office till evening :o - back to home :D Bro Arching, when'll u go to palembang?? please, bring me empek2 ;)
i'm sorry brother,,, just writing in here now,,, no need to speaking :Peace: (while waiting kaskus have a voice chat facility):ilovekaskus yeah Brother,,,,,,,, :o goodnight and have nice dream