Quote: Originally Posted by addictorCLONE Waduh Keren Banget dah, sayangnya jauh banget di colombia ongkos udah mahal, ke taman situ tambah mahal lagi meluncur hahaha tpi klo ada rejeki durian ane sih mw kesane gan hehe Quote: Originally Posted by GODISMYLIFE WOW Keren Juga Yah Pemandangan Taman ...
kk,saya maw tanya,,saya udah instal adictive drum,tapi kok ga muncul programmnya sih?? itu program sndiri ato xtension dari program lain yah.... abis instal trus gmana yah??
XLN Audio ADpak Retro HYBRID DVDR | 743.43 MB Retro is the first ADpak expansion for Addictive Drums and features three classic Ludwig drum sets from the 60s and 70s with cymbals from Paiste and Sabian. The drums were recorded in Studios 301 Stockholm in a big recording room with a rich ambience...