Permisi agan2 semua sama mau request Title : Balance control of two-wheeled self-balancing robot based on Linear Quadratic Regulator and Neural Network Author : Chenxi Sun ; Hi-tech Innovation Center, Inst. of Autom., Beijing, China ; Tao Lu ; Kui Yuan
Punten , saya mau request lagi :malus Title : Application of siemens S7 - 200 series PLC on full-automatic dishwasher Author: Bai Yan ; Engineering Training Center; Beihua University, Jilin City, China ; Zhang Hongwei
Saya request dong :ilovekaskuss :ilovekaskuss title: Performance Comparison between Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) and PID Controller for a Highly Nonlinear Two-Wheels Balancing Robot Author(s): Nasir, A.N.K. ; Fac. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Univ. Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Pekan, Malaysia ; Ahmad
Sekalian sama yang dulu ini kalo bisa gaan maaf ya :sorry Selamat pagi gans, mau request jurnal berikut: 1 Title: "Pattern Recognition of EEG Signals During Motor Imagery" Author: Nagata, K. ; Dept. of Syst. Innovation & Informatics, Kyushu Inst. of Technol., Fukuoka ; Mihara, M. ; Ya
Minta tolong di unduhin dong :malus Control, Estimation, and Optimization of Interconnected Systems: From Theory to Industrial Applications Jovanovic, M.R. ; University of Minnesota ; Langbort, C. ; Bamieh, B. ; D'Andrea, R. Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC
Selamat pagi gans, mau request jurnal berikut: 1 Title: "Pattern Recognition of EEG Signals During Motor Imagery" Author: Nagata, K. ; Dept. of Syst. Innovation & Informatics, Kyushu Inst. of Technol., Fukuoka ; Mihara, M. ; Yamagutchi, T. ; Taniguchi, M. Publisher: SICE-ICASE, 2006.
Tolong gan untuk jurnal dibawah :sorry Stabilizing MPC for network-controlled systems with an application to DC motors Caruntu, C.F. ; Dept. of Autom. Control & Appl. Inf., Gheorghe Asachi Tech. Univ. of Iasi, Iasi, Romania ; Lazar, C.
minta tolong agan2 sekalian untuk downloadin jurnal Stabilizing MPC for network-controlled systems with an application to DC motors Caruntu, C.F. ; Dept. of Autom. Control & Appl. Inf., Gheorghe Asachi Tech. Univ. of Iasi, Iasi, Romania ; Lazar, C.
Permisi minta tolong untuk jurnal ini :D Title: "Platform for EEG signal processing for motor imagery - application Brain Computer Interface " Author: Saker, Marie ; Biomedical Engineering Department, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Jounieh, Lebanon ; Rihana, Sandy Published in:
Permisi minta tolong untuk jurnal ini :D Title: "Platform for EEG signal processing for motor imagery - application Brain Computer Interface " Author: Saker, Marie ; Biomedical Engineering Department, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Jounieh, Lebanon ; Rihana, Sandy Published in:
Bang titip lagi yan :) Title :Validation of a novel automatic sleep spindle detector with high performance during sleep in middle aged subjects Author :Wendt, S.L. ; Inst. of Electr. Eng., Tech. Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark ; Christensen, J.A.E. ; Kempfner, J. ; Leonthin, H.L
Permisi minta tolong yaaa :) Efficient EEG analysis for seizure monitoring in epileptic patients Ocbagabir, H.T. ; Digital/Biomed. Embedded Syst. & Technol. Lab., Univ. of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, USA ; Aboalayon, K.A.I. ; Faezipour, M.
Selamat siang gans, mau request jurnal berikut: Title: "An Ultrasonic Navigation System for Blind People " Author: Bousbia-Salah, M. Dept of Electron., Univ. of Annaba, Annaba, Algeria Redjati, A. ; Fezari, M. ; Bettayeb, M. Publisher: Signal Processing and Communications, 2007. ICSPC 2...
Bang titip download ya :) Title: Smart Parking Applications Using RFID Technology Author:Pala, Z. ; Yuzuncu Yil Univ., Van ; Inanc, N. Publisher: RFID Eurasia, 2007 1st Annual Makasih banyak ya gan :D
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Maaf gan yang ini belum ya Makasih ya gan sebelumnyaa Gan titip lagi yaaa 1.Modeling of Prosthetic Limb Rotation Control by Sensing Rotation of Residual Arm Bone Date of Publication: Sept. 2008 Author(s): Guanglin Li Neural Eng. Center for Artificial Limbs, Rehabilitation Inst. of Chicago, Chic silahkan :shakehand :cendols :D Makasih banyak ya gab :2thumbup
Makasih ya gan sebelumnyaa Gan titip lagi yaaa 1.Modeling of Prosthetic Limb Rotation Control by Sensing Rotation of Residual Arm Bone Date of Publication: Sept. 2008 Author(s): Guanglin Li Neural Eng. Center for Artificial Limbs, Rehabilitation Inst. of Chicago, Chicago, IL Kuiken, T.A. http
Gan titip lagi nih :1thumbup Robotic arm operation training system for persons with disabled upper limbs Date of Conference: 13-15 Sept. 2010 Author(s): Yamanobe, N. Intell. Syst. Res. Inst., Nat. Inst. of Adv. Ind. Sci. & Technol. (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan Wakita, Y.; Nagata, K.; Clerc, M.; Ki
Makasih banyak yaaa sekalian titip lagi ini, dan tidak lupa nomor urutnya sekarang 1.Bio-mimetic trajectory generation based on human arm movements with a nonholonomic constraint Date of Publication: Nov 2002 Author(s): Tsuji, T. Graduate Sch. of Eng., Hiroshima Univ., Japan Tanaka, Y.; Kaneko, M.