what a great advice and quote ! if you happen to know Mario Teguh, he used to say : " just do it" "Just do it"..yeah,i love that quote,gan..couldn't agree more with you.If i hadn't just done it firstly,i wouldn't have been like now..thanks for sharing the quote..
I'm lack of english knowledge but with all due my respect,i'd like to share a bit my experiences in teaching..I've been teaching for nearly 12 years since i graduated from high school..My first goal to teach was just to sharpen my english skills.As the time went by,i became addicted in teaching,w...
DVD Polytron agan speaker 5.1nya pake colokan RCA 6 biji ya gan? Kalo iya masih ada harapan speakernya masih bisa dipakai Caranya, agan beli HD player plus DTS Decoder yang RCA Koneksinya: LED<--HDMI-->HD Player <--optical-->DTS Decoder<--6x RCA-->Speaker HT Info det
Player HTnya ada input digital audio (optical) atau HDMI-in gak gan? klo ada bisa pake HD Media Player, dicolokin ke no.1 atau no.4 gambar di bawah ini: http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/2012/12/05/916161_20121205080819.jpg klo ga ada ke-2 conector itu ga bs berharap byk gan :capedes Adany k
FYI, ga semua dvd player bisa mkv loh...klo pun bisa terbatas codec auvinya...better beli media player. Betul gan...Dvd dihome theater ane sbtulny udh trmsk baru tp tetep ga support mkv..ane lg lirik2 media player seh..
Ga bisa gan klo ampliny ada di dvd poly, kbl spkr mau disambungin mana? klo ampliny ada di subwoofernya (kbl spkr masuk sini) ..ini baru bisa>>nti line out dr dvd baru masuk ke line in sub poly. ohh..gt y gan..itu dia mslhny..wah,thx masukanny y...
with my greatest expectation, hope this Club will provide me with many friends who can help me to study English by writing&chatting, for sure.. here's my YM (mrian_cool07).. looking forward to having communication with u all guys...
Cr yg pst2 aj gan...Bakalan byk pro-kontranya. Klo udah timbul rasa sayang, dah repot nantinya..Msk byk ko pilihan didunia ini..
The greatest fear in my life is when i become a jobless. Don't know why when i was still a kid, i always dreamt of having no job someday..so many questions crossed in my mind, such as: what would i do when i did not get a job? How would the people think about me? How would i socialize with t...
We had this thread before, checking other people's writing.\n\nSo shall I go first?\n\nHere's the text.\n\nDespite the intensive and short period of the course, I was able to befriend with other students, especially those from Hong Kong. I am very fortunate to ha...