expire: 13 November 2017 PT. Warung Pintar Sekali is the pioneer of the first technology shop in Indonesia. Warung Pintar has a mission to evolve retail business in Indonesia. Starting from the first shop located in Kuningan, Jakarta smart shop has a vision to digitize hundreds of thousands of st...
expire: 8 October 2016 Urgently Needed AngularJS Programmer: PesanLab is an online platform for medical check up which provide its customers a simple, affordable, and transparent services with online result. We giving you the ability to choose the medical check up you want at a price you can affo...
expire: 8 October 2016 Urgently Needed AngularJS Programmer: PesanLab is an online platform for medical check up which provide its customers a simple, affordable, and transparent services with online result. We giving you the ability to choose the medical check up you want at a price you can affo...
expire: 30 Juni 2016 Urgently Needed: PesanLab is an online platform for medical check up which provide its customers a simple, affordable, and transparent services with online result. We giving you the ability to choose the medical check up you want at a price you can afford. Today, we are willin
expire: 30 Juni 2016 Urgently Needed: PesanLab is an online platform for medical check up which provide its customers a simple, affordable, and transparent services with online result. We giving you the ability to choose the medical check up you want at a price you can afford. Today, we are willi...
expire: 1 April 2016 Urgently Needed: PesanLab is an online platform for medical check up which provide its customers a simple, affordable, and transparent services with online result. We giving you the ability to choose the medical check up you want at a price you can afford. Today, we are willi...
halo suhu2, mau tanya soal CORS di laravel. ane ngikutin tutorial ini buat bikin cors. untuk front end saya menggunakan Angular, dan backend menggunakan laravel 5.2. ini tutor yg saya ikuti: http://en.vedovelli.com.br/2015/web-development/Laravel-5-1-enable-CORS/ untuk method GET smua lancar2 saj...
expire: 15 Feb 2016 Urgently Needed: LabConX is an online platform for medical check up which provide its customers a simple, affordable, and transparent services with online result. We giving you the ability to choose the medical check up you want at a price you can afford. Today, we are willing
expire: 15 Feb 2016 Urgently Needed: LabConX is an online platform for medical check up which provide its customers a simple, affordable, and transparent services with online result. We giving you the ability to choose the medical check up you want at a price you can afford. Today, we are willing
expire: 31 Jan 2016 Bosan dengan coding yang itu itu saja? Butuh tantangan baru? Kalau iya, artinya kamu harus bergabung dengan LabConX, karena kami sedang membuat sesuatu yang baru di Indonesia. Labconx merupakan sebuah startup company yang menyediakan platform untuk pemesanan medical check up d...
expire: 31 Jan 2016 Bosan dengan coding yang itu itu saja? Butuh tantangan baru? Kalau iya, artinya kamu harus bergabung dengan LabConX, karena kami sedang membuat sesuatu yang baru di Indonesia. Labconx merupakan sebuah startup company yang menyediakan platform untuk pemesanan medical check up d...
Wah wah ane sering pake tuh udoctor. Slaen bisa konsultasi gratis dokternya juga ada yg IGO.:D Btw yg labconx.net tuh situs baru ya? Belom pernah liat di media soalnya. Kalo ane liat lumayan bagus tuh. Disana ada diskonnya dan bisa liat harga.
Query Builder di dalam Model? Gampang banget kok class Book extends Eloquent { public static function getAll() { return self::whereNull('deleted_at')->orderBy('title')->get(); } } Nanti di Controller tinggal panggil seperti biasa Book::getAll(); maaf gan, syntax
malam suhu2.. ane mau tanya, ada yang punya contoh coding laravel 4.X buat interaksi database pake query builder di Model? rata - rata ane liat contohnya yg di Model itu pada pake ORM semua..tq
ane kuliah di tangerang gan, tapi tinggal nya deket jakbar juga. agan jakbar nya dimana? Ane kuliah di binus..kerja di dket menara bca slipi gan...
wah boleh banget banget. kebetulan ane designer yang masih kuliah dan sekali2 ngerjain project. agan domisili nya dimana kalo boleh tau? Ane ngantor n kuliah di jakarta barat gan... Agan di mana?
Ok sama2 gan.. Oh iya gan kbetulan ane juga lagi pengen bikin startup. Tapi ga tau mau startup apa. ane juga skarang juga lagi mau ambil thesis dgn topik startup. Gimana kalo kita joinan gan? Oh iya skarang ane bekerja sbg programmer. Tapi kalo nanti jadi ambil thesis startup ane bakalan berenti...
wah keren tuh gan , kepikiran juga sih pengembangan nya jadi lebih ke web app gitu supaya beda dari yang udah ada , trus interaksi di dalem web juga lebih aktif. Trims ya gan masukan nya :malus Ok sama2 gan.. Oh iya gan.kebetulan ane juga pengen buka startup. Itung2 buat cari pengalaman dan peng
Misi agan dan aganwati penghuni thread :malus Numpang menyimak dan berdiskusi yah sebelumnya. Ane mau share sedikit tentang ide ane untuk bikin startup digital. Ane baru kepikiran (baru banget) untuk bikin sebuah website portal untuk web designer , programmer , dan developer untuk bertemu dan berk