Mohon bantuan gan.. Title: "Corporate reputation and philanthropy:an empirical analysis" Author: Brammer, S. and Millington, A., 2005. Corporate reputation and philanthropy:an empirical analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 61 (1), pp. 29-44.
Nama : M M Ali Febriyanto ID kaskus : alifebriyanto Fak / Prodi : FISIP / S1 Administrasi Bisnis Angkatan : 2016.2 UPBJJ-UT : Surakarta
Mohon bantuan untuk jurnal berikut : Citizen E-Participation in Urban Governance: Crowdsourcing and Collaborative Creativity Author : Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal) Terima kasih bantuannya, gan FYI
Jenderal juga manusia, kangen kampung halaman juga :D :D mudik pakai jet tempurnya itu yang greget. coba di Indoensia bisa seperti ini
Pagi gans, mau request jurnal berikut: 1 Title: "How Do Leaders Make Decisions?: A Poliheuristic Perspective" Author: Alex Mintz The Journal of Conflict Resolution Vol. 48, No. 1, The Poliheuristic Theory of Foreign Policy Decision Making (Feb., 2004), pp. 3-13 Publisher: Sage Publicatio
semoga bermanfaat gan mohon cendolnya jika berkenan ya om momot :)
misi gan :malus request jurnal buat thesis Gan :malus Title : Fuzzy time series forecasting method based on hesitant fuzzy sets Author : Kamlesh Bisht , Sanjay Kumar Publisher : Elsevier Title : Enhanced accuracy of fuzzy time s
:wow Peri nyata yg paling menyeramkan :takuts :wkwkwk :wkwkwk :wow kalau ini menyeramkan pakai sangat
yg paling apes nomor 6 tenar sebentar, lalu mundur sebagai polisi dan masa depan yang cerah pun mendadak redup :cendolgan
malem gan :D , ane request jurnal nih: 1. A brief review on existing cyber-physical systems for healthcare applications and their prospective national developments Soegijardjo Soegijoko IEEE Conference Publications 2. Development of e-Health Kiosks and
judul: The Pathology of the Long Ulna: Anatomy and Treatment author: P. SAFFAR First Published December 1, 2007 ini gan: semoga bermanfaat