VACANT POSITION IT SUPPORT Male / Female, Max 28 Years old. D3 or S1 from Majoring IT. (Sorry Not For SMK or Still Study i mean study and working) Good Looking and Smart! Excellent Make Presentation, MS.Office, Design, and Troubleshooting (Design is Point Plus, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Af
VACANT POSITION IT SUPPORT Male / Female, Max 28 Years old. D3 or S1 from Majoring IT. (Sorry Not For SMK or Still Study i mean study and working) Good Looking and Smart! Excellent Make Presentation, MS.Office, Design, and Troubleshooting (Design is Point Plus: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Af
VACANT POSITION IT SUPPORT Male / Female, Max 28 Years old. D3 or S1 from Majoring IT. (Sorry Not For SMK or Still Study i mean study and working) Good Looking and Smart! Excellent Make Presentation, MS.Office, Design, and Troubleshooting. Working Time: Monday-Friday: 08.30-17.00 Saturday : 08.00
VACANT POSITION IT SUPPORT Male / Female, Max 28 Years old. D3 or S1 from Majoring IT. Good Looking and Smart! Excellent Make Presentation, MS.Office, Design, and Troubleshooting. Working Time: Monday-Friday: 08.30-17.00 Saturday : 08.00 - 15.00 Our Location: Greatstar Agency - Prudential Cikara