Baru ne mu nih di wikipedia: According to the project's director, Denis Chervyatsov, Masha was based on a real person... In the 1990s, the project's artistic director, Oleg Kuzovkin, was on holiday when he saw a little girl on the beach. The child was so ingenuous and open that she could easily w...
Ane mau nambahin nih, utk ide latar mungkin dr dongeng rusia, tp dr karakter masha itu pengalaman kru melihat seorang gadis kecil biasa di pantai. QUOTE=arsya2015;5794135512e257d9658b456b]Baru ne mu nih di wikipedia: According to the project's director, Denis Chervyatsov, Masha was based on a rea...
boyz, baca tuh coment ane jgn asal ikut2an... Wkwkwk Bagi yg englishh ny jago boleh d transletin donk...
Baru ne mu nih di wikipedia: According to the project's director, Denis Chervyatsov, Masha was based on a real person... In the 1990s, the project's artistic director, Oleg Kuzovkin, was on holiday when he saw a little girl on the beach. The child was so ingenuous and open that she could easily w...