Yes, I still don't. Which is why I said "let's see how many months it will take me to finish it". Haha. I mean, seriously, I haven't even finished reading A Christmas Carol, and I started mid December last year. I'm a horrible reader sometimes. Haha. It's not easy for me to like a charact
Never knew you're into that kind of books, L. :p Game of Thrones is the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire Series. It's a good series to read, especially if you love an epic long fantasy novel with dozens of characters that can make you go on an emotional roller-coaster ride because of its una
Hahaha. True, that. I am an avid reader, actually, but what I read is not published work. I read mostly fan fictions, and while some writers have obvious poor grammar and planning, most of them have great style and plots. Some even have better style and plot than published writers. I know some fan
Nah, I'm a horrible reader. Another reason why I don't read novels is because I can pick up a book and read a part of it, then leave it for months or even years before I pick it up and read it again. I got up to chapter twenty six of Moby Dick and haven't read it again in... three years now. Horr...
Wow. You guys are amazing reader. In my opinion, Dickens and Austen's novels are difficult to read. I have tried several times and keep going back to the first 10 pages cause I don't understand. I am planning to read them again, just not in the near future. For me Lord of The Rings way too compli...
Second this, as this is exactly how I improved my English, by reading countless stories and writing my own. However, I would not suggest reading classics to beginners, simply because sometimes they are too heavy on their descriptions, and they have different sentence structures compared to the si...
Nice info gan, saya mau coba buku yang agan rekomendasikan dulu ya, setelahnya boleh dong ya sharing2 :toast What kind of books are you into? Maybe I can recommend some titles for you.
TS kalo diijinkan, yang ngepost di sini pergunakan bahasa inggris juga dunk. biar berasa klub buku inggrisnya :malus usul aja dari saya, semua kembali ke TS :malus Saya sangat jarang membeli buku2 Inggris kecuali buku kuliah. Belinya paling di opentrolley atau di amazon hehe :malus kebetulan kem
miris gan ngeliat yang beginian. emang yah manusia kalo ngalamin nasib buruk pasti nyalahin orang dulu sebelom koreksi diri
Mau ngasih review nih buat Periplus Online. adalah website Periplus yang di mana menjual buku-buku import lebih dari 11 juta judul. Periplus sendiri juga ada store nya di Plaza Indonesia, Plaza Senayan dan lainnya. Saya udah langganan banget beli di sini sejak tahun lalu. Pelayananny...
Di sini ada yang baca buku Haruki Murakami versi Inggrisnya gak? Gua pengen banget coba baca buku Haruki Murakami cuma yang versi Inggrisnya. Ada yang tau apakah buku nya yang versi inggris itu susah dibaca atau gak? Boleh di recommend gak buku nya yang paling bagus apa? Banyak yang bilang buku2 ...
Since Junior High I was taught British English, which a real problem for me. Sometimes I mix the US and British English. The vocabulary doesn't seem like a huge problem, it's just a matter of which words they use most of the times.
mine would be reading. I read books in English all the time. It's really working. I know more Vocabulary. My Grammar is improving. Also it helps me when I have to write things such as letter or essay in English. Watching movies with English subtitle or even better, without any subtitle is helping...
well for me, Grammar is a crucial part of learning English. You could know all the vocabulary, but if you have bad grammar your english would still sound stupid. Vocabulary is important as well, but Grammar is more important. Then again, this is my personal opinion. I could be wrong. At least, you