"Room For Rent" "Available master room condo house Serangoon area 5 to 7 mnt walk Serangoon MRT and NEX mall, can ne students or proffesiol, price will include everything+laundry and house keeping, availble mindle Agust'19." For more detail pls contact me (82505137)
Taken - thanks "Condo master room for rent available mondle Agust'19 , Serangoon area purple/yellow line Can be students or proffesional, price include Everything+laundry and house keeping For more fetail pls contact (82505137) Thank you..!!
Hello.. Saya Ada kamar common room daerah Serangoon /uup.paya lebar dekat Serangoon MRT., Tenant semua anak Indo, Kalau bekenan bisa call/WA 82505137
Still available master room at Serangoon area close to MRT purple/circle line More details contact 82505137
"Master room at Serangoon, close to MRT purple/circle line, available 01 May, price will include everything, laundry and house keeping. More details contact 82505137
"ROOM FOR RENT..!!" "Looking for roommate master room condo house, Serangoon /upp.Paya Lebar close to NEX mall Purple/Circle Line MRT and a lot buses behind our condo." Interested contact +65 82505137
https://s.kaskus.id/images/2018/04/07/8901220_20180407014410.jpegHi Hello everyone...!!! Still available master room condo house Serangoon/upper Paya Lebar just 5/7 mnt to MRT and also a lot buses behind our condo bus direct to Changi airport. Price will include everything, laundry and house keep...
Hi Hello everyone...!!! Still available master room condo house Serangoon/upper Paya Lebar just 5/7 mnt to MRT and also a lot buses behind our condo bus direct to Changi airport. Price will include everything, laundry and house keeping all flamates Indo Pls contact or Whatsapp +65 82505137
Condo house Serangoon/upper.Paya Lebar just 5/7 mnt MRT Serangoon also a lot buses behind our condo. Price will be include everything+laundry and house keeping. More info contact +65 82505137
Lg cari apartemen yg bisa di sewa : 1. Tdk terlalu jauh dari National University Hospital 2. 2 Kamar Tidur 3. Sewa per minggu (rencana 1 bulan) 4. Furnished Kl ada yg punya tolong DM ya Hello...!! Harbourfront bias ??
Hello..!! I have room Serangoon/upp.Payah Lebar Price include everything : -PUB -electricity -internet -laundry -house keeping -light cooking Close to NEX mall and a lot buses behind our condo Can be share or single Available by now All flatmates girls
Lagi cari tempt tinggal deket fusionopolis dan mrt. Budget max 800 include pub dan internet . Single pax. Profesional working. Smoking. Ada yang tau info boleh wa ke 08989975104. Thanks. Agak jauh dr fusionopolis selama dekat MRT. GPP. yang prnting kamar proper dan bukan gedung tua. Hi..!! I have
Cari single room daerah Aljunied / Lavender / Tanjong Pagar dengan kriteria No landlord Allow cooking Have dryer machine Women only No smoking, no pet Please pm for info :) Thanks! Hello..!! I have khusu untuk women only mau ?? Daerah Serangooon
Gan need kost/sharing house daerah dekat bedok, (1 - 2 bus stop) PM ya gan prefer yg include laundry dan internet, Estimate kedatangan untuk akhir november:matabelo: . Hello..!! Daerah Serangoon mau ??
Halo gan, ane lagi nyari kamar deket yg dkt Boon Keng MRT. Lokasi preferences: - Jalur Ungu - daerah Bunkeng/FarrerPark/Potong Pasir/Serangoon/Kovan/Hougang (yg penting TKP dkt MRT). - Jalur Kuning - Holland Village/Farrer Road/Caldecott/Marymount - Jalur Biru - King Albert/ Six Avenue/ Tan Kah Ke
Hello..!! Masih cari kamar ?? Saya ada kamar, kebetulan didaerah yang anda cari Serangoo Purple/Circle Line available by now Harga sudah termasuk semua + laundry dan juga house keeping Kalau minat contect ya ?? Ini no HP saya +65 98142809