We’ve pushed live update .020 to update the Uncharted TV playlist and fix a few outstanding issues. Version Uncharted TV playlist update Updated Jackal Hero Weapon LP cost Fix Nadine and Sully’s Jackal stat bars Fix Nadine’s Mettler M-30 stat bar Fix Jackal hero weapon LP costs Swapped the ...
Live Update 1.05.019 (MP Only) MULTIPLAYER GENERAL Update to decrease chances of the idol being duplicated Update to Network messaging One-Use Booster chest has been reduced from 150 to 100 Relics Blindfire reduction for all weapons and mods MYSTICALS Cintamani Stone In game costs have been alte
ini game emang keren banget gan,wajib trophy platinum gan kalo yang maen di ps4 gambar dan jalan ceritanya seru abis dan ga bosenin,cuman sayang gamenya cepet tamat,mungkin kalo dibuat open world akan lebih seru lagi game2 dari naughty dog bagus2,ditunggu game selanjutnya.. btw ada yang punya id