Hi agan-agan, Sebelumnya permisi dan salam kenal. Baru pertama join di Lounge nih karena sebelumnya P3100 saya emang jarang ada masalah dan emang jarang saya apa-apain (nggak di root) cuma terakhir update ke JB karena dapat notif software update. Kondisi terakhir internal memory masih ada free 3GB
Side:Hope minggu depan, gasabar:linux2: btw neo world project ga pernah di singgung ya? Katanya kan chihiro sama matsuda terlibat, tapi disini kelas78 udh siap siap ngurung diri, dan matsuda bakal dibunuh junko di DR0. Well, soalnya kontradiksi sih sama di game nya. Di sdr2 emang katanya junko ...
in the world, and now i want to destroy all people at........ At the enemy's hideout." I sent her that, and she replied "...
i would support him to rule the world wwydi tomorrow was a world war 3? I would find a safe place for my survival. What would you do if you realized you're a ghost?
hey, how are u? and then she replied, who is it? i forgot that she doesn't know my contact, and now i doubt.. And now I doubt if she even knows me. So I introduced myself. "I am...
i dont like aliens, do you like working in monday? No, I don't like working on Monday because I'm Hella lazy person. Do you like to sleep in pajamas?
i dont care, because i dont like gorilla wwydi u realize that u are a gay? I would cleanse my soul and asks for purity. What would you do if your father is planning a world domination?
Maksain nonton walaupun LQ :( Ga nyesel deh pokoknya, banyak scenery porn, banyak kereta, dan apalah yang kurang wkwk. Dari opening banyak spoiler, padahal kalo diperhatiin bisa fatal banget wkwk. gelang taki juga:hammer: Ost dari radwimps semua, catchy. Yang jadi favorit itu 夢灯籠 :fm: Imo 1...
yes i like your eyes because if i look closely it's photoshopped :ngakaks, do you like your bed? :hammers I like my bed because it's really comfy. Do you like aliens?
another pedo panda grabbin mr. bean arm, and say will you..... "Will you marry me?" but then I woke up from the nightmare. In the morning...
I'll go to find a problem/project WWYDI your sister is nude model? I would wake up from the nightmare and move on. What would you do if a gorilla died?